
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Europe Trip - Part 6 - Cruise: Biševo, Vis

Tuesday August 26

The ship left the harbor at 6 am. We figured out (we think) why it is complicated. We were moored at the ferry dock. The ships have to wait until the last ferry has left and be gone before the first ferry arrives the next morning.
Anyway, the motor is noisy so I wake up and get ready and go to the ship "hotspot" to take advantage of the internet before everybody tries it and nothing goes.

We go for about 2 or 2 1/2 hours and come to Biševo.

We are offered to go to the "blue cave". We are not told much about it and don't know whether we want to. Yes, no, yes, no, yes. In the spirit of " you regret the things you didn't do" we go. What is another 50 Kune per person.

The photos are not very good but it was very nice and we were happy that we had gone.

You had to duck going in and coming out.

Going back to our ship. Never left the little boat. Round trip.

Fish with bones again for lunch. But since we usually have 4 courses this is quite o.k. for me. Neno insists of bringing something else for James. We will be 2 stone (as the English say) heavier after this.

We had left Bišova right after the cave but stop after a while for swimming. No pictures this time. Then we continue to Vis.
James and I get of the ship for a walk to the right. We had seen a sign to "King Georg III Fort" in 20 minutes walking distance.

Our ship on the other side of the bay.

We visit one church and then I walk across the grave yard and James along the water.

I had to take this photo with the cross in the sky. I don't know why it made me happy seeing it.

James had waited on the other side for me.

Wished I had my swim suit here. I did put my feet in and the water was warm (warm enough for me).
You do need swimming shoes here though. You don't want to step on a sea urchin or a piece of glass. (We bought a pair for me after our walk).

We never make it to the Fort. That must have been a misprint.
We go back to the ship and relax putting up our feet.
At dinner time we walk to the left. We go one block over from the promenade and imediately it looked poor.

It didn't take us long to go back to the street along the harbor. It was a very good street mainly closed to cars and quite even. Sometimes a door would be open and you could see into a lovely courtyard. I wanted to take photos but didn't because after all these are peoples private places.
We walked almost all the way to that side of the bay and had a (relatively) light dinner there.

The way back was equally nice with a warm breeze and quite romantic.

We sit quite awhile on the back deck with others. Very nice. Lovely view. Lovely company. Lovely local wine. Life is good.

Here is a map we had bought for 10 Kune at the tourist info to help us find our way around.

1 comment:

  1. Was the cave naturally blue, or were there lights? The stone looks almost like there are lights on it. Either way, how gorgeous. I’d like to float in all by myself in a little coracle and while away a hot afternoon.


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