
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Europe Trip - Part 9 - Cruise: Cruise: Dubrovnik

Friday August 29

The ship next to us .... Some of the youngsters are rolled up in blankets fast asleep on deck. Hope they have not done anything they will regret. Alcohol flowed freely. The mother in me ...

Otherwise calm all around.

Talking with Jenny and Ray from Christchurch New Zealand before breakfast. They are going to a wedding just a little south of Dubrovnik tomorrow. Schedule will be tight with the bus etc. hope all will work out for them.

Bye bye Slano. Today we will be going the rest of the way to Dubrovnik.
But first we anchor in a nice calm little bay again for a swim. I go in too but no picture of me. Just my new swim shoes we bought a couple of days ago.

Everybody really enjoys playing around. Cathy gets hoisted up a little on the hook for the rubber dingy.

Some are on the upper level wanting to jump (in a good sense).

A little too late but I caught Michelle's jump. I missed Emma's though.

We can see Dubrovnik. The bridge ... and a huge cruise ship.

The ship is docked. The water here can't be too bad. Look at the many fishes right next to it.

I had tried all morning to upload a blog. At 99 % it always gives up. Now I give up too.

Only one more night and then it's time to say good-bye. These are Josephine, Faust, Ivan and Cathy from Sydney Australia.

First we had to wait for the Katrina company agent to give us information. Well, that was not so satisfactory. He didn't know anything. Grrrrr. The only thing that we should be at 5:30 pm at the Pile Gate of the Old Town for the walking tour for the local guide Sandra.
So James and I got of the ship and walked left. He had seen (from the water) some tourist info place when we came in but we had a hard time finding something. Finally ... but it was not very satisfactory either.
We were told that we could take bis 1A or 1B or 3 from the stop right in front of the ship and where to get the tickets and how that works.
So, after a while, James and I decide to head in that direction, since we don't know how long it will take us anyway.

After walking around just a little bit we find a shade place with a beer and a nice coffee.

We go to the meeting place where Darlene and Ray from Perth Australia are already waiting too.

Sandra, our guide, who I couldn't really understand because she was talking way too fast for me. I didn't take any pictures because we will come again on Sunday anyway and then I can do it at leisure.

When Sandra had dismissed us, James and I walked towards the cable car station. I had found info about it when we were waiting at the Pile Gate.

We had to walk ...

And walk up ...

... and up some more ...

The ride didn't take long but I was chastised by a young girl for "invading her personal space", which is hard not to do when you are pushed from the back in a full cable car! She was so ridiculous that James and I had to laugh.
Up on top we were so happy about to do this. It was breathtaking beautiful. The view to the mountains as the sun was setting.

The view to the Old Town Dubrovnik.

And the sun was just setting.

Cathy had told us that the best view is from the old fort. The ruins are now a museum about the last war and we had to pay entry fee but it was worth it.
A couple of photos from the moving cable car.

We were surprised how high we were still but we somehow found a good we to get to Pile Gate. Btw: Pile means gate in Latin so this is "gate gate".
We also tried to find a restaurant for dinner on the way but no luck.

So we decided to take the bus (had to wait a while) and find something to eat close to the ship.
We were lucky. There were several places and the one we chose was excellent.
I had a fish soup first. Then James had wild boar stew and I had spaghetti munti. Everything most delicious and not too much of it. Happy happy!

Walk over the street and relax on the deck and see the "world go by".
A few others were there too and we had a night cap. Very nice.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous (probably going to be saying that a LOT!). I’d love to know what those flowers are, too! Not that I could grow them. Black thumbs, you know. Wild boar is something that I’ve never tasted and would love to.


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