
Monday, September 29, 2014

Back in the groove

Yes, back from the month-long trip but it took me quite a while to get back into the swing of things. I had a list as long as my arm of things I should do but other things kept popping up. Unscheduled things. Oh well.

Here is someone who popped in. Caleb is now 10 months and he has changed a lot in the time we were gone.
Got a video!
The crockwalker (or what it might be called) used to be cousin William's. Omi is very happy to be able to have it in her house. It is perfect!

Papa needs to put the gate up on the stairs. He is fast.
Just look at the video!

Here is another distraction from my to-do-list: Timberly Court, the place for sale. Looks like it's a done deal: closing on October 23.

So much was done before it was put on the market. The remodeled kitchen with granite counter tops. I am so jealous (I see a CR kitchen remodeling in the future).

Look at this little guy who seemed to have already moved in on the back patio there. Picture taken from the living room door.

On Saturday the Richmond Quilt Guild had a big exhibition. Guess what ... James came with me. It was fun to discuss with him which ones he liked and which ones not. This was one we studied closely.

You get a lot of ideas and inspiration in a place like this.

I think this would make a cute baby quilt.

We had some cold and even rainy days in between but then the next Saturday was picture-perfect.
Last 3rd of July we were supposed to be in England at the Henley Regatta to celebrate the 50th anniversary of James' Nottingham University rowing team. We had been there for the 40th reunion which had been a lot of fun and were disappointed that we had to cancel our trip this time because of James' accident. Oh well.

James had received a photo after the 50th reunion. Rowing 8 + cox + coach = 10 who live in Australia (1), New Zealand (1), USA (2), Portugal or Spain (1) and England (5). Seven were able to attend (and their spouses). Eight if is wasn't for James' unfortunate accident.

One of the team members, Colin, contacted James that he and his wife were on vacation in the USA and would like to meet us in Charlottesville. Great idea! Since they like vineyards we agreed to meet at one for lunch.
James and I brought the picnic. Sarah had a great recommendation to get the sandwiches at this place which was just off I-64 (exit 107?). It was quite busy. Seems other people had the same idea.

The menu was incredible. Quite special. Well, they called themselves "gourmet grocery". We got four different sandwiches and all came halved. Surely something for everybody.

King Family Vineyard was just a few minutes away.

We were half an hour early but it didn't matter because it was so nice and pieceful there. I declared myself the designated driver and James got us some refreshments.

Colin and Dayle arrived right on time and we had a great time chatting. Colin got a bottle of the vineyard's wine (too bad I only could have a little taste) and we enjoyed the lunch. We had also brought some veggies and dip and a cheese platter. Fresh strawberries, pineapple and grapes for dessert. And all that sunshine and gorgeous view. Ha, we even had real (linen) napkins.

It had been agreed that it shouldn't be another 10 years for a reunion and Colin will organize something before that.
When we had parked on arrival I had not paid attention but look at this picture right there. Had to get out of the car again to take it.

What else? There had been two Thursdays since we are back (Stitchers for a cause) but I only managed to go to the second for a couple of hours. I really like this group of people. I did a lot of cutting for my next project. Nothing to show yet though.

I didn't think I would have time to make the September Block Lotto block. But a girl needs to have fun and I sneaked into my queendom for a little bit. This is my effort. It was a good lesson.

Sunday afternoon (yesterday) at St Martin's. We are working on craft items for the bazaar whenever possible. I brought an idea from Germany with me and we made 20+ Angels. It's always great fellowship.

And now we are in the car driving to Nashville ... which ... takes ... all ... day! William already called that he was excited to see us. Then he cried because he wanted to go to Omi and Papa right then. It's still difficult for the little guy to understand "long time" (driving) and "distances". Soon, William, soon!


1 comment:

  1. What a lovely surprise to be able to have a little reunion after all. I'm sorry that I missed that craft afternoon!


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