
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Europe Trip - Part 12 - Vienna, Austria

Monday September 1

I didn't sleep very well because the thunderstorm kept waking me. Yes, thunder! So we were awake much earlier then we had to. It was raining so there was no question about taking one last walk. A leisurely breakfast which was included in the hotel anyway and packing was the only thing on the agenda.
The taxi was called for 9:30 am and it was quite a long way to the airport. Checking in and all that did not take very long. We used up some time in the duty free. The last Kuna had to be spent. Then we went upstairs where our gate 8 was. It was much less crowded there. Later we shared a cheese barguette for lunch.

James took several strolls and then I got restless. When I discovered that there was another duty free upstairs James told me that they had much less then the downstairs one.
Ha, since there was nothing else to do I went anyway. See what I discovered. Lace! I was very surprised. I asked and was told that Lepiglava is near Zagreb.

I really liked this piece.

This was neet too. Did you know one of the many islands had the shape of a heart?

Anyway, when I told James about the laces he encouraged me to buy the one I liked so much. I did!
Finally we were boarding.

I could see from the window how the waves were crashing on the shore line. How lucky had we been with our week in Croatia. The weather forecast is not nice at the moment.

The weather in Vienna Austria was not any better. We took our raincoats out of our backpacks. We took the S-Bahn from the airport to city center and then the underground to the Stephan's church. From there it was supposed to be a short walk to the hotel.
That was not so much fun either in the rain because we got lost a little.

When we reached the hotel we found that it was very convenient located. First thing they offered us hot coffee or chocolate in the lobby. At our convenience whenever do-it-yourself. Very nice.

Happy with our room too.

We had to unpack our suitcases because we discovered that they not only where wet on the outside but some of my clothes and papers where wet inside too.
After that we got a recommendation from the front desk for a restaurant. Just around the block.
James had a beer and I had "Hugo".

Then we both had 25.

Hugo was excellent.

And so was this.

A discreet picture to give an idea about the restaurant.

Walk back to the hotel in the rain. Hope it will be dryer tomorrow.

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