
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Europe Trip - Part 21 - to Jena via Rothenburg o.d. Tauber

Wednesday September 10

Again ... packing.
At breakfast time James has always coffee and the server brings it. I like my tea and all I need to make it is on the buffet. It is loose tea and the first morning I had to figure out how much to use. A little less the second morning. Today the server insists on making it for me ... but he uses more than double the amount of tea. He also brings this tea-timer. I sneak more hot water after the first cup. I like the timer. Gadgets!

Soon everything is packed and we are on our way. We have planned to stop in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. A must! I was there before. Probably 50 years ago (?) with my father. I remember enjoying the city wall very much and climbing up the Rathausturm (city hall tower). I remember the red and green traffic light for climbing the tower and waiting a long time in a long line. I remember my father marveling that the height and straight down view didn't bother me at all.
Anyway, again we find the perfect parking place. We need to get a prepaid ticket from the machine. First it asks to put in the time when you want to leave again ... but it doesn't tell you how to do it. Another person joins us in needing a ticket but can't figure it out either. Suddenly it dawns on James (the how-to) and it is quickly done.

I am amazed that you can just go up on the wall without having to pay. A nice change for once.

But we can only go to the next steps. The ground is very uneven and James has to look down and watch where he is stepping. On the other hand he should look up because every few steps there is a cross beam very low and he walks bent so not to knock his head.
No fun.

There is so much to see and do, not a problem.

The church is impressive from the outside, we take a look inside but decide that it is not worth it to pay the entry fee.

The statue of St James. Not sure about it.

On the way to the city tower.

We were told the tower is 60 meter high and you have to walk 215 steps. And yes, there still is the green and red traffic light. When somebody has come down from the tower, somebody is allowed to go up. The steps get narrower and narrower the higher you go. At the very top it's a ladder straight up and through a little opening. Lots of fun.
So worth it!

And what a view!

The tower top is so small that you can touch the bell.

There were a few stands in the center square like this apple juice press. I would have liked to try it if I didn't have such a touchy stomach.

The leftover from the press.

Lots of interesting little shops. These sweets seem to be a Rothenburg specialty.

This is probably the most photographed corner of the whole of Germany. Didn't have the right lighting but ... committed to memory.

Right there was a street cafe and we needed a refreshment. It's exhausting to be a tourist.

Walked through the gate and guess what ...

... a patchwork place! The very genuine German fabric fat quarters were sinfully expensive but the owner gave James a magazine and sat him on the bench outside. She and I had a nice little chat and James is such a good sport.

James had the good idea to buy a few of the special "snow balls" in mini to take along to Eva to try them.

Then we walk back to the car. James thinks I should walk on the wall.

And this is the end of the "Romantische Straße" for us. The way we did it with the three nights in Peiting and three nights in Feuchtwangen was just great.
The drive from Rothenburg to Jena was about three hours. I took my turn driving too. Wow, some cars were overtaking us as if we were standing still. The landscape was interesting and changing. Jena is in the former East Germany. Lot of construction since the reunification. We are very impressed with a stretch with four tunnels, one of them 7916 meters long.
We had brought our GPS from home and it was easy to tell Eva what out ETA would be. For a while we could sit outside on the terrace until it got too cold.

Eva is one heck of a great knitter. Look at this bedspread on our bead.

After a lovely dinner with a homemade chicken soup (perfect after sitting in the car), some wine and a lot of talking it was time to turn off the lights. We had a lot of catching up to do.


  1. I’m not at all sure that I’d be able to manage all that climbing. Especially this week – recovering from pneumonia. But that view!

    1. I noticed how out of shape I am ... but it was so worth it. Strangely though I had it more difficult in memory from whenI was a child and did it with my father. Ah, the memories!


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