
Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

What a week. Tuesday we had to say "good-bye" to Helen, Ben and William going back home.
Wednesday was our wedding anniversary. 1975 the 26th of November was the day before Thanksgiving too. 39 wonderful years. That's a reason to celebrate. James wanted to take me out for dinner. And he found a very good one. Criteria: close to Sarah's. She was working the pm till 10. Wade had gone with Caleb to his parents in Pulaski already on Tuesday. We went to let the dogs run in the yard for a little while. Then we went to dinner after which we fetched the dogs and took them to our house. Complicated?
The restaurant was "Travinia", nice ambiance, delicious food, they told us if we bought a bottle of wine that they would "cork" it for us and we could take the rest home. We had an appetizer. They decided that it had taken too long and didn't charge us. And we hadn't even noticed because we had time.

It was almost 11 when Sarah arrived. The dogs were excited too.

Thursday we got going early. Can you imagine: she was eager to see her husband and baby?
Snow in the mountains past Charlottesville. And fog in the valley. It looks as if it is filled like a lake.

More fog.

Schatzi is asking "are we there yet?"

Wade's parents house was buzzing with family. Preparations for the feast, watching basketball, watching football, watching the dog show, cutting Caleb's hair? What? Yes, Sarah decided she could do it herself with Carolyn's help. He did complain somewhat but not too bad. The ladies did a great job. It was getting long (I had snipped a lock of a little while ago because it was hanging over his eye. The boy couldn't see).

There was still time before the feast so James and I did a quick run to the B&B we had booked. This is going to be our bed for the night!

And back to the preparations. Mike is frying the turkeys (2 at 16 pounds each). An interesting process. Years of experience!

It was a lot of fun: upstairs and downstairs (big family room in the walk-out basement). I didn't take many pictures. Was too busy wandering around and chatting. But here are two videos (and the pictures are taken from those).

Caleb was hungry and wanted his food before the dinner.

The tables are laid. The right one for the "under 50".

Caleb wasn't hungry any more and didn't want to sit in his chair. Grandpa Mike had him on his lap ...

... and found out that Caleb can be quite strong with the fork (got pierced a little on his hand).

Kathy and Mike with all the family members had prepared a wonderful dinner. And time before and after was a lot of fun. But eventually it was time for us to retreat.
We had the code for the door to historic ROCKWOOD MANOR and had a good night's sleep.
No Black Friday for us. Breakfast at 9!

The owner showing us where to find tea and coffee etc.

I should have taken a picture of the tables (just a few) so nicely laid. We sat down family style until the table was full. A very nice family joined us. Parents, son, daughter and grandma (who sat next to me). We had a lively conversation. Before leaving I gave the older lady a Fröbelstern and when I told them that it's called Moravian Star in English the father got very excited, found his computer and found a picture he had taken of his family under a Moravian star his father had made from metal. Actually it even was a Bethlehem star Made in Bethlehem Pennsylvania.
We did a little exploring before we left. This must be the lounge. Cozy, right?

The foyer! The ceilings, the floors, lovely details all over the house.

I think the floor pattern would be a good quilt idea.

We were upstairs in # 3.

Bye-bye! Did I mention that the house was built in 1876?

And what do you do on your way home for 3 1/2 hours? Sterne!

Back home. All this excitement over. Are we back to normal?
Day after tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent. It's time to think of that. I don't think we will ever get bored.


  1. I went to the Travinia website and looked at the menu. It looks wonderful! We’ll have to try it. What a lovely Thanksgiving you all had and that B&B was so beautiful.

    1. Yes, wished we had a little more time at that B&B. Times right now seem hectic somehow. But its all good and fun. We do have to get together with a little more time soon.


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