
Saturday, December 27, 2014


On my birthday my first thought is always that it would have been my father's birthday too. When I was already in the USA we had a game who would call whom first to congratulate. It happened that he calculated the time difference wrong and called at an unearthly hour. He was a gentle kindhearted fun interested-in-everything person. I just rushed to find a photo of him and this is from the first album I opened: 1989

First thought had been to all have lunch in a restaurant but then I preferred brunch at our place. I have some easy recipes which don't take much time. Sarah, Wade, Kathy and Caleb came about 11 am. Poor Mike had been caught by the revenge now, couldn't come and was resting.
Caleb went full steam and was a lot of fun. He showed Grandma all the things he could play with at Omi's house.

He likes to walk around with things in his hands.

William and Helen sang Happy Birthday on FaceTime. Caleb was very interested to see his cousin.

Sorry I forgot to take a picture before the brunch table was somewhat depleted. Smoked salmon (done by Mike .. Christmas gift to us and oh so good), bagels, cream cheese, a hashbrown potato casserole with peppers and sausage, little chicken pot pies (my improved version), cranberry bars, fruit salad ...

My birthday cake!

Hip hip hurray! Three times! Everybody got a piece! It's a Burr Family thing.

Helen later texted: Did Caleb bake your birthday cake?
My answer: No, but William did!
William LOVES to help to bake. He helped with Caleb's birthday cake (cup cakes) when they were here in November. There were leftovers and I froze them. At this point after Christmas everybody feels so "stuffed" that I didn't want a whole cake.
So, thank you, William, for my birthday cake! (I think this is funny)

After the others left James and I went shopping ... in two cars. There were a few things were we wanted to take advantage of the after-Christmas-sales. James was not so lucky but I was.
And then Helen and William called again. We did the gift-opening via Face Time. So much fun. Papa took the photos. Screen shots.

And now I say it again: what a wonderful day it was!
Brunch with Sarah and her family, Face Time with Helen and William several times, phone calls from Europe, a video from "our Brits" singing happy birthday and many many emails and Face Book wishes. There is no greater gift then caring. Thank you!

The video came via text and I loaded it to YouTube. I hope this is o.k. with the senders. I didn't want to loose it. Here it is!

Yes, and when I was in bed at the end of the day and thought about all of it, I got teary eyed.
Yes, I am blessed!


  1. How special to be born on the same date as your Dad. My Dad died on my birthday so I know how you feel, always a few tears.
    Happy healthy New Year to you and your family

  2. The smoked salmon looks wonderful. I think that needs to be Mike’s next smoking project! I loved your William-baked birthday cake!


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