
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Bitterly cold



William has preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays so Helen brought him there and then she and James met at her house to work more on the kitchen cabinets. She sent this picture to me. Yes, James, let's remodel our kitchen in Virginia. You are doing great!



I did work for our church on my computer but, grrrrrr, why is everything always so difficult. It doesn't let me email the statements. A different server seems to make the difference.

William loves to be picked up by Papa. In the evening Helen has a meeting so William joins us for spaghetti dinner. He is very good twirling the noodles.




Eagle-eye-William has spied a Kinderüberraschungsei on the top-shelf. It is a bit "aged" but that doesn't bother him. It's fun. He knew exactly what it was. Must be his German heritage.









Really? Thank goodness it is not getting any worse then this.



The view out the back. With the leaves down there is a little more to see of the golf course.



We also can see the work of a beaver across the creek. Could this become a problem for us? It's a big tree. You could not put your arms around it.



Helen has a luncheon meeting so James is taking care of driving William this morning. They are back for a late lunch and William is hungry. O.k. Leftover spaghetti and for dessert Omi's homemade applesauce.

I used the time while I was alone and tried my luck on the computer again. No luck!

Wednesday evening means supper and service at their church. Guess what was for supper? Yup, spaghetti. William didn't mind. I was not fast enough to take a picture with evidence of that and a chocolate cookie around his mouth before he used his napkin. The boy is fast.



Every day it is bitterly cold. You can't really be outside. Can't go for walks. Don't forget to leave the doors under the kitchen sink and dishwasher open in the nights! I don't like winter.


And now it is Thursday morning at 4 am and we can't sleep. We set the alarm clocks for 3:50 am before we went to sleep because James had a plane to catch VERY early in the morning. At 2:30 his phone announced the arrival of an email. His flight from Nashville to Chicago was cancelled and he was re-routed. Turning the alarm off doesn't make me fall asleep again though.


1 comment:

  1. You know that in all the years I’ve lived, I’ve never seen a beaver-gnawed tree?

    It’s been cold here, too. Bitterly. I DO like winter and snow and all that, but this has been ridiculous! Stay warm, my friend!


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