
Sunday, July 26, 2015

My baby has a birthday

Yup, the younger of my two girls has a birthday in July. I remember well being highly pregnant with my almost 10 pounder (that's what the Doc said when he caught her) in the hot Kentucky summer.
This is the day we celebrate Sarah's birthday. She had to work but stops on her way home to pick me up.

We had received an email that an icecream truck would drive through the neighborhood giving away free icecream. All we had to do go to the curb when we heard the familiar music play. Sarah happen to be with us at the right moment and she too enjoyed one.

We had to hurry a little so I could help her with the food shopping and preparations. James went to the daycare to pick up Caleb. Wade was picking up a birthday cake.
Sarah quickly fixed some delicious appetizers and Wade grilled hamburgers which went very well with the arugula/watermelon salad. Another young couple with a toddler had joined in the celebration.

The toddlers were entertaining us. Caleb really enjoyed the cupcake. I think no more words are needed.

Sarah shows the toddlers how to crawl through the tunnel. Well, Caleb has done it a number of times and HE didn't get stuck.

But what would a birthday party be without this? VIDEO!

More entertaining by the toddlers. Well, in this case by Wade too. Words has it that the cat door is part of one of their games.

Getting ready to visit our Nashvillers. William told us very often that he misses us. The flowers at our front door look very nice right now. Hope they will do well why we are gone. James had been very good with watering.

The Sweet William is looking great again too but I can't wait to get a hug from my sweet William.

*  *  *  *  *
When I wrote my last blog, I couldn't find a video Sarah had taken earlier. I really want to share it because I have to laugh every time I look at it.
Here it is! 


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