
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Day 3 - the Azores


We were quite early at the airport and had several hours to waste. Finally it was time to board. We were VERY lucky with the seats because it was bulkhead. Others had really no room. Otherwise SATA was ok. About 4 and a half hours of flight and 4 hours of time difference later we arrived short before 7 am.



This was next to the luggage claim inviting us to use it. We had to wait quite a while.



All the new guests for our hotel filled a bus and off we went. Picture out of the bus window. The fields were divided by meticulously built walls from field stones into rather little plots.


After settling into our room we decided to walk into town for that daylight needed to battle the time difference. This is our hotel. There is a ramp down to the water which spoils the picture a little.



But the view is very nice.



The town is very charming with colorful buildings.




The Cathedral. Across the road was a cafe where we had "elevenses".



From the cathedral steps.



We didn't have a plan where to go but just wandered. We turned right here. It brought us to the ocean.





There were steps to walk down to the beach. And as always James had to put his hand in.




We turned right towards Monte Brasil. On the road side: lovely flowers.





Monte Brasil is a vulcano totally secured by a fort build (I think) in the 1500s. This is one of the gates.



The plan is to do the hike exploring Monte Brasil tomorrow so this is the way back to the hotel.



Ha, on the road was a house with the sign that there was a shop with handmade embroidery. James knew what that meant. It didn't look like a shop though. We had to go some steps up and ring a bell. The man inside was very nice and helpful. And I did buy something.



Almost back at the hotel: Monte Brasil.



The hotel is behind this.



3 o'clock. We got an orientation about tours we could take ...



... and a local welcome drink. It was a bit like a sherry made on a different island close to here.



After that we explored the hotel a little. There is an exercise room with lots of equipment, a small indoor pool and an even smaller outdoor pool which (so said James) was very cold. We saw divers in the ocean though.




And there was this tower with a Spiral slope going around and up.



The reward was a lovely view. We have to remember to watch sundown when the weather is right.




Several told us that the restaurant in the hotel was serving a "Prato del Dia" (menu of the day) just because so many of their guests just had come off the plane. Not having slept at all the previous night we decided to stay too and not go back into town. We really really missed some veggies or salad though. And it was rather bland.




We made up by ordering a dessert. "Dona Amelia" Cake with Sweet Rice Ice Cream (Azorean Pastry). It was very heavy but very different and very interesting.



Walking around in the daylight had definitely helped the 4 hours time difference but it was time to turn the light off.

Night night!



  1. Wonderful pictures. We enjoyed the video. Will "check in" with you tomorrow! Have a great time.

  2. Looks beautiful so far. I love the fields with the stone walls especially.


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