
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Busy busy



William and I did some garden work. We weeded some creeper which had come through the fence and trimmed some bushes. My Redbud tree finally seems to like it here.



William likes doing schoolwork (most of the time) and showed me what he can do.




We built new tracks.



James and I went to the Stations of the Cross service at church at 6 pm.



After dinner we played this game.






In preparation for Easter I had boiled eggs but had taken the soft boiled ones for breakfast out a little bit too early. No problem. I gave the first one 10 seconds in the microwave. James thought that wasn't enough.

Oh yeah? Nothing like some impromptu entertaining.



Papa and William went with the shopping list.



Later Papa weighed his camino things to figure out what to take and what needs to stay behind. He is getting ready for his 4th pilgrimage starting in a few days.



William and I took the Christmas card and over-the-door-display strips down and put the Easter branches up. William made two new eggs for it.






Because of the branches we really can't play with the "helicopter" inside. So we try it outside. Omi decided that it would not matter if we lost one. She has reserve. It was quite exciting ... but a little too windy.







Helen found the magnetic wooden shapes and the creating began. I can't remember what Wiiliam called this.



Before bedtime the Easter bunny rang Omi's phone and explained that he was running behind and needed William's help. He had left Easter egg seeds and directions.



William put a "W" on each Popsicle stick to mark the spot for the 8 seeds.



He was so excited but we had to be on our toes to answer all his questions.





After bedtime Omi got busy. I am glad Helen took over after the picture-taking.







And to all a good night! (and thanks to Helen again for a lot of the pictures and some from James)



  1. I love the Easter egg seed idea, that's a new one on me. My two had a keep fit Easter egg hunt!

  2. I had no idea that James was starting off so soon! When is he actually leaving? I like the Easter egg ‘seeds’, too! What a great idea.


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