
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day ... with permission

A good time to reflect. I am so so so blessed and I know it. Besides my wonderful husband I have two wonderful daughters. They are caring human beings and good citizens. They have both found great husbands too and together each couple are wonderful parents to a sweet boy. Yes, I am thinking especially today how blessed I am.
But I have to think ...
Early March Sarah had told us that Caleb is going to be a big brother. Wow! It's so difficult to be excited and having to be mom about it. Of course it was way too early to talk about it.
Friday March 11 Sarah had her first doctor's appointment. James was on a hike training for his next Camino. I was at the Apple Store at a geek lesson. And then came her call. Sarah talked laughing and in tears. She now knew why she felt so tired and so different then being pregnant with Caleb. Can you see Baby A and Baby B ?

She has had two more doctor visits since then. The twins look healthy and Sarah feels much better and more energetic now. All good news.
And on April 22 this arrived:


Yes, surprise!
Sarah gave me permission to blog because so many are thinking of her/them, praying and and of course wondering.
And now you know.



  1. We were so happy for Sarah when we heard the wonderful news! Congratulations and prayers for the whole family.

  2. It was such a lovely surprise. We are so happy for everyone! Can't wait to see Caleb with TWO little siblings!


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