
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Twins first two weeks

The phrase "Time flies" is too tame. When you are busy "Time races"! I got complaints and a question whether I have given up blogging. No, the reason why The Lord gives babies to young people is that old people are pooped in the evening helping with newborns. Ha-ha, I am saying this smiling. James and I were/are happy to help whenever we can and are needed. That's what happened since 09-09. I will try to report some highlights.

Sunday September 11

Wade's parents had to drive home again so taking care of Caleb was how we could help.

At 5 pm Wade brought Sarah and the twins home from the hospital.

Sarah "had arranged" for the twins to give a present to their brother Caleb .. it had to be assembled though. It felt like Christmas.

Monday - Wade had taken off work and the family of 5 settled in.

Tuesday - James went early in the morning. I had a meeting and joined them at lunchtime. Then the twins had their first outing. Sarah needed something.

Thursday - Not a week old yet. Sarah has things under control. I really feel that I am helping if she takes a nap. Love it!

She has a post-birth appointment with her Dr who delivered Colin and Owen. I like Dr C. too. She is so enthusiastic about her work.

Saturday - James and I were committed to walk for charity. The weather was great so Sarah with Caleb and the twins came along. James and I took Caleb in the stroller and for some Caleb even walked too.
Many of our church friends were there too and of course they had to meet Sarah's children.

Caleb loves to help. He is so eager (it get's difficult though and he very sternly says that he is going to change the diaper).

Sunday - Caleb is coming for a sleepover. That will give Sarah and Wade a chance to get better settled. Caleb loves coming with his little suitcase. He was too fast for this photo.

It was the last day of the Lego sculptures exhibition at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. Caleb was more interested in the butterflies though. He liked to see them very much.

Caleb loves "Sweet Frog".

For Tuesday Sept 20 Sarah had made an appointment with the "newborn photographer". Of course I went along to help. But first I had to find the restroom. This is Caleb's work. He is obsessed with stickers.

Family photos first so Wade could go back to work and drop Caleb off at the daycare on his way.

It was very interesting to see how the photographer and her helper worked. I hope they don't mind that I share these photos but I was so impressed.

Aren't they cute?

And this is it for now. James and I took turns in the morning or afternoon or together, however it fit and was needed. The twins are pretty good for newborns and it has been a lot of fun. Sarah is good giving instructions and that makes it easy. Wade's parents are great, driving when they can the 3 1/2 hours to come for the weekend. They are younger then us and don't mind taking turns in the nights since they sleep there when they visit.

Considering that it is Autumn now the weather is not that bad. Still barefoot as you can see. This evening we were caught with sudden rain when we sat under the awning in the back.

Of course we are missing seeing our Nashvillers Helen, William and Ben. And William tells us on the phone that he misses us. Right after our last visit I started to write weekly letters to William. He had started first grade and is already an excellent reader. He can read our letters without problem. Of course I include photos like the one above of the frog who had hidden underneath the grill cover. Together we named him Fritz the Frog.

1 comment:

  1. That's a LOT of activity for such new little fellows! I love that babies get out so early now instead of being stuck in the house for weeks like it used to be. Much better for them and for Momma, too!


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