
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Europe Day 21 - Christchurch family time and Hengistbury Head

Saturday June 17

After a good night's sleep and breakfast, Kate did some kitchen prep because we were going to be 15 for lunch and dinner. Helen and I tried to help. 

We were waiting for the others to arrive. Niece Jo with husband Simon and children Catherine, Olivia and Edward didn't have it very far but niece Bec and husband Mark had to come from the other side of London and Jane had to come from Windsor. Only nephew Jimmo could actually walk. Traffic (as we know from getting here on Friday) can be very challenging. 



It was always a big hello-ing when somebody arrived. After all, if you only see each other after several years. 

Weather was gorgeous, the doors were wide open and we could eat outside. Buffet style. It was delicious and great. 




I had brought Überraschungseier from Germany for the 6 youngest. Jimmo was one of them. 



Jane had been stuck in traffic and arrived much later then expected. A big hello when she finally did. 

After lunch we all went to the beach. 


Simon wanted to take a photo of the 4 second cousins. 


I then asked somebody walking by to please take a photo of all of us. He did a good job. 



They like to go to this beach because it has sand. Can you believe that those little huts without toilette, running water or electricity cost about 250000 pounds?



Helen later found out that the water temp was 53 F. But she had been determined to go in and guesses she was in about 20 minutes. She did really enjoy it and so did William (after the initial shock) as you can see. 


The lifeguards. We were so happy that Bec and Mark had come all the way too. It was so much fun to see them. 








Helen took this photo.  I think we had a right to chill. 



And then it was time to walk back to the cars. Our parking time was running out. 


But not before we had an ice cream. Jane treated us. 




Back in River Way. The children played happily. Soccer. Pogostick (VIDEO). Frisbee which landed on the roof. 



David is getting ready for dinner. He is very involved with the scouts for years and is using their equipment. 


The old sheet was hung up for some sun protection. 


Helen took this photo. 


Dinner was very nice. Everybody kept moving around and kept changing seats. Bec kept supplying G&Ts to whoever wanted them. Kate was teased because she had bought alcohol free beer by mistake. 


Dave had thought of everything. He had whittled sticks for the children to roast marshmallows. 



When it was time to part the cousins wanted a photo. 


And then the brother and sisters and spouses. 


Helen and William are going to Jo and family for the night. More fun for William. And freeing up beds for Bec, Mark and Jane. That must have been fun to figure this all out. 


A little chatting and reminiscing in the conservatory. Dave shared his cognac again. 
What a day! Night night. 

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