
Saturday, September 23, 2017

Trip Day 20 - drive to the Dead Sea

Official (adjusted) itinerary:

Overland to the Dead Sea

We visit the Mount of Olives, site of Christ’s betrayal in the Garden of Gethsemane. At the summit we’ll enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of the Dome of the Rock and the Old City.
We’ll set of for the Dead Sea. On the way we stop at the Qumran Caves in the Dead Sea Rift Valley to see the archaeological site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered,  at Ahava dead sea cosmetic factory and at  Ein Gedi Nature Reserve, where we’ll visit its lush oasis and embark on a short hike. 
Arriving at the Spa Club Hotel. At more than 1,300 feet below sea level, the Dead Sea is considered to be the lowest point on earth, and because it contains an unusually high concentration of salt, it is surprisingly easy to  float within its mineral-rich waters.
During your free time, perhaps you’ll walk to the shore of the Dead Sea, where you can test your buoyancy. (The sheer sense of weightlessness has to be experienced to be understood.) Or, you may take advantage of the hotel’s amenities, such as the spa (featuring an authentic Turkish hammam), indoor and outdoor pools, and grounds where you may linger in a hammock beneath date palm trees.
This evening, we’ll enjoy dinner at our hotel.

*  *  *  *  *

Wednesday September 20

Packing up and leaving Jerusalem. First stop: Gethsemane. That was quite an awesome feeling. The olive trees are most likely not 2000 years old but could be 1000 years. And you look across the valley and see Jerusalem. Of course Jesus would have seen the Temple still standing. The Holiest of holy. 

The church built over THE (?) rock. 


The view from the summit of Mount of Olives, the site of Christ's betrayal in the Garden of Gethsemane. A panoramic view of the Dome of the Rock and the Old City. 

It was a bit of a madhouse up there. Soooo many tourists. Pushing and shoving. 


And then we left Jerusalem behind us. The bus had plenty of seats and nobody seemed to want to sit in front, so James and I did. 

Interesting landscape. 

And then we stopped at Qumran, a strange sect a bit similar to monks. They lived in Jesus' time. This is where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. They had written them and hidden them in caves. 

First we saw a movie and visited an exhibition, then we went through the excavations. Interesting and puzzling. 

In the bus Yael was debating in what order to do things. Time of the day and temperature are playing a big roll. She made an excellent decision. 

James played with his app. Yup, you can't get much lower under sea level without diving or digging. 


Next stop: En Gedi (nature reserve)

We saw plenty of ibex. 

It was a nice walk ending (for us) at a waterfall. 

Gosh, it was refreshing. 

Bus drive continues. 

And we arrive in our hotel about 2 pm. Because of the holiday Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) there were cupcakes and juices in the lobby. A nicely decorated center. 

The view from our room to the Dead Sea

James and I go for a little walk. 

Later we go down to the water again with the whole group. Yael explains one of the Jewish traditions. 

You finish the old year by collecting crumbs symbolizing the things you want to get rid of and throw them into the water. I think my crumbs are a little too large. 

We continue the ceremony inside. 

Apple with honey, pomegranate, honey cake, dates and a sweet red wine. 

Dinner table was outside with plenty of entertainment by feral cats. Buffet was inside. OMG, way too much food. 

Inside each table had the traditional New Year's fish head on it. No thank you. 

Our table also had a tray with the traditional things Yael explained. 

Kim, my group is starting to make fun of me and my food photos!

Another day with lots of things learned and experienced!!!


  1. Please keep up the food photos. That is a part of the experience, too.

  2. Camels!! Ibex!! Next to the food, the local animals are my favorite pictures!!!


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