
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Trip Day 26 - Kibbutz Lavi to Arbel

Tuesday September 26

We had a good night's sleep in the Kibbutz. It was quite luxurious. Since breakfast was starting at 6:30 am we thought that was perfect. An early start would suit us. Any hour we can not have in the most heat is a plus. Temperatures are luckily in the 80s which could be much worse. But that is in the shade ... and there is not much of that. No cloud in the sky the sun is merciless. 

For dinner and breakfast we had to go from the lobby over an enclosed bridge and then two stories down. 

Food is buffet style and there is plenty. As I said before it's all kosher but we were not going away hungry. All was delicious. I know there are rules about certain things not on the same plate but I am sure we made mistakes. Hope they forgive me. 

By the way, their pool is "kosher" too. Different times for males and females. Only one hour a day mixed. But we didn't have time for that anyway. 

Where we had beer yesterday afternoon. 

Leaving at 7:27 am. 

Down the hill and connecting with the trail again. It's a lovely morning and not so hazy. We will have some nice views. 

Look at all those irrigation hoses. 

Look at those thorn bushes. 

You have to be careful not to get too close to these. 

We are already saying that this is the best walking so far. No trash anywhere. We think we are still on Kibbutz property so it might have something to do with that. So gorgeous and our hearts are happy and thankful for this adventure. 

Here we can see the Sea of Galilee for the first time. On the right side the Horns of Hattin. 

The Horns of Hattin look so innocent ... but wait. 

Ups, somebody lost a calf. Part of nature. 

James took these photos of course:

Can't help it but have to take photos. It is so beautiful and the photos don't really show it. And it is so quiet. If it wasn't for the birds, there would be no sound at all. Feel like saying: listen to the silence. 

Oh I had fun with this photo. Thank you, James, for cooperating with your crazy wife. 

Now, is James resting his hands on the Horns or is he pushing them apart so we can walk through?

I think I want to frame it. 

We walk around the Horns. Oh good. 

I guess we are going to the monument. 

Oh this makes me angry. I have no idea for what this monument is but somebody took an electric thing and scraped all over the writing ... on all four sides. 

But the trail markers lead us further up. 

Looking back we are much higher then the monument. 

We reached the top at about 10 am. 
Altitude about 1050 feet. 
There will be a VIDEO later. 

What a view!

First the trail didn't seem so difficult but then ...
Rock climbing. Have never done that. 

This mountain is a vulcano. There is evidence of that everywhere. So this photo is for William. 

See the roundabout intersection? We talk about that later. 

We are not finished with the rock climbing. We are going from one horn to the other and then steeply down. We slipped and slid a few times but knew to take our time and nothing bad happened. Thank the Lord. We do say a prayer every day before we head out. 

We were too busy keeping safe to take photos. Looking back might this give you an idea?
No, not really. 

We were on a street. But no, this is not it. Climb more down. 

And a flat piece. Yeah. 

Looking back. 

Is that the street?

And a gorgeous one it is. What would I give for some dates.  

We looked at the map and book and decided to go to Nebo Shu'eib, the Druzes' most important sight. It is actually the tomb of Jethro, father-in-law of Moses (Exodus 3:1). It's on the end of this beautiful avenue. 

First we stopped at the guard house. A serious older man came out waving at James' legs. He didn't speak much English but we motioned that we knew and asked whether we could come in. When he saw that James was putting on his "legs" he was very friendly. I dug out my shawl too and he was happy. He offered water and we motioned that we wanted to fill our bottles on the way out. 
So we continued to walk in. 

The place is really beautiful. 

There was a keeper of the place. I asked whether I was allowed to take photos. No problem but not in the tomb. We could go in though which James did. You had to take your shoes off so I skipped it. I was worried that I might not be able to get them on again. 

When we left we met Mark who was making coffee with things he had found there. There were many many picnic places all around. April 25 is their important day and Druze pilgrims will come. 

So, back on the street. 

From here we walk to the round-a-about I had pointed out in an earlier photo. 
James wanted to continue the scenic trail while I took the short-cut. After those steep steps my knee told me that it had enough. And I don't really think that Jesus would have walked the scenic way. I think he would have opted for the more direct way too. 

We parted about 12:30 pm. 

So, right under Kfar Zeitim he continued left on the yellow way. I went right on #7717 to the right to Moshav Arbel. 

There he goes on the left side. 

My road. Uiii, sometimes cars zipped by ... fast. 

Lovely. Left and right olive trees. 

At the town entrance. Says clearly: go left

I found the Arbel Holiday Homes (Konowitz Family) without problem. 

The place is a large yellow house where the family lives and then cabins all around. Very nice and the couple is so nice. I am shown to our cabin and retrieve our luggage. 

And then: aaaashhhhh
This was at 1:30 pm
FitBit says: 28,940 steps or 12.4 miles (20 km)
Jesus Trail Book: Lavi to Nebi Shu'Eib 7.4 km +
Nebi Shu'Eib to Arbel short-cut 4.1 km 
= 11.5 km

And here are James' photos from his scenic trail. 
He had to cross a stream several times and is proud that he didn't get his feet wet. 
He also had to walk through cows several times. 

It was a beautiful trail but I didn't see anyone the whole time. Just the cows.


The lowest point in the Wadi:

Then he had to climb up to Moshav Arbel where we are spending the night. He arrived about 4:30 pm. 

And now the rest of the day:

James stretched his back which feels good to him. Right in front of our cabin. I didn't even have to get up from my chair on the little porch. 

Our cabin across from the pomolo tree. 

Carmel tells me they will be ripe in November. 

We did a little exploring. The pool. I can't get away far enough to get it all in. It's kind-of indoor with a plastic roof. Otherwise you would probably get leaves and all sorts of things in it. 

Dinner at 6:30 pm in a big room next to the pool. 
Lisa and Mark were a little late so we had started. Not having eaten anything since breakfast does that to you. Must say I felt good until 5:30 pm. 

The salads including "Israeli Kartoffelsalat", that's what Carmel (the owner) said. 

Chicken schnitzel. 

And that's all for today. 

1 comment:

  1. There is something so impressive about being so totally alone in such a place.


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