
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Trip Day 31 - Back home

Back home and so much excitement. 

But first a few photos from our flight back (October 1).
From Tel Aviv to Paris ... this must be the Alps. The cloud blanket with the mountain tops peeking out. I think those photos are so cool. 

Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport ... Airline Club ... nothing to complain about. 

And off over the Atlantic. 

Love my gadgets. It tells me that this is Victoria, Canada. 

And this is Gloucester City, New Jersey. 

The next lay-over in Philadelphia. 

Richmond, here we come. 

What a gorgeous last vacation photo (of Philly).

Monday Oct 2
Sarah came by after the twins one-year check-up. Everybody doing great. 

I was committed to demonstrate lacemaking with my lace group at the Virginia State Fair. What was I thinking when I agreed? But it worked out wonderfully. It was Sarah's day off and she wanted to take Caleb to the Fair.  When she asked whether we would go with them I couldn't believe how perfect everything worked out. I could see my friends ...

... and have lunch with the family. 

I could enjoy it because Mon and Tue I had worked hard and the Cloak October Issue went to be proofread Wed morning. All is good. 

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