
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Super weekend and beyond

Saturday December 2 started with the St. Martin's men's breakfast. This time wives were invited. It was very nice. At the end the two servers brought us cupcakes as gifts and one of them organized us to take our photo.

Short time later Sarah texted this photo to me. Their community HOA had arranged this free picture taking with Mr. and Mrs. Santa. This is my favorite photo, crying and all.
I texted back to her: Mommy, what did you tell us about strangers?

At 2 pm I had to be at church for the wreath making workshop. Senior warden had asked me in the beginning of the year whether I could lead something like this and since I had made wreaths like this for many years it was no problem.
The greenery you can get for free wherever they sell Christmas trees. I had no idea how much we would need but I had plenty and James brought some from the church where Sarah and Wade buy their tree too.
Everybody enjoyed the workshop very much which made me very happy too of course.

Sunday ... 1st Advent Sunday ... all the children of the church were invited to come and collect a gift at the 10 o'clock service (read about this ministry here) ... one of the 100 Chrismons. James had helped me to wrap them the night before. We are quite a team. The children were so cute.

Back at church in the afternoon. This is the 10th year we did the Chrismons. There is always a workshop inviting those who want to learn how to make that year's symbol. We make the bigger church tree ornaments because it is easier to learn with the bigger beads and pearls. Afterwards we went into church to hang them on the tree. It is always nice fellowship. In exchange I gave everybody a little ornament to take home for their efforts.

This year's Alpha & Omega.

And being in the right spirit it was time to start decorating our home too. A package from my sister in Germany had just arrived. This ornament was one of the things inside and was the first on our tree.

Having official obligations behind me I was happy to concentrate on our own things. 1:04 in the morning William's duvet cover was finally done. He wanted me to buy this dinosaur fabric when we were in Germany in June. I hope he will like on his new bed. Sewing duvet covers is not my strength. It even has a zipper.

And yes, writing our Christmas letters. Mail to Australia, New Zealand and Europe takes a little longer.
Ute, siehst Du die Adventskerze? Danke!

And then Wilber the painter came on Wednesday to work on the kitchen cabinets.

Almost done. Almost. Can't wait for it to be totally done. I think we will be happy. The kitchen is so much lighter, friendlier, happier. What a bit of color can do!

1 comment:

  1. Here in the beginning of February, I'm loving seeing your Christmas preparation. It is my very favorite time of year!


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