
Monday, May 14, 2018

William's birthday weekend

His birthday is on Monday the 14th. But it was difficult to celebrate then so there was a bonfire party planned on the Saturday before.

On Thursday Helen invited James and me for supper. William was eager to show us their new tenants. Ben and Helen built a chicken coop and they have now 6 chickens with the hope for eggs in the future. If I remember right the names are: Goldie, Cookie, Hawk, Patsy, Red and Clover.

On Friday I baked and delivered an undecorated chocolate chip birthday cookie and we picked up William to spend two nights with us. Of course we had to have an ice cream at a paletas place first.

No homework so we had lots of time to play games. Board games or Wii. The Wii is actually great exercise. You move a lot. William's coordination playing baseball and tennis can not be matched by James or me. Lots of fun.

Saturday: Finally it is time to drive to the Farm for the bonfire party. Yeah! We found it with the GPS without any problems.

William inspects and is impressed with his mother's cake decorating skills. A bonfire cake with 8 yellow and red candles ready to be the fire.

We were early but couldn't help much. Ben and Helen had everything under control. 

Lawn games were assembled. William was waiting for his guests. It was lovely sitting on the porch. He and I were fascinated watching the inch worm.

Family friend Larry was the first to play badminton with William. I think William applied his Wii tennis skills to it.

Helen called this the selfie station. Two of her friends she knows longer then Ben and definitely BW (before William).

Ben's homemade strawberry ice cream was a great hit. Food was just inside the house to be enjoyed whenever. 

And then it was time for the fire. And s'mores eating!

And more fire, ha-ha.

He was very fast blowing it out.

And, of course, some gift-opening (I "stole" some photos from the internet).

Altogether a really great time. We enjoyed playing games and talking to the other guests. They have such nice friends.
It was dark when we were driving home and late, but a bath is always calming at the end of a busy day. I had written I love William with bathtub crayons but William had erased his name and wrote ours.

Sunday - Mother's Day

Helen had made sure to tell me their church's custom so we were prepared with 8 pennies he needed for his Sunday school class after the service. We were out in the hallway and I heard the counting so I peaked in to take this photo.

We took him back to the townhouse because we had things to do. He helped to bake the 24 Choco Pumpkin cupcakes he needed for his 2nd grade class on Monday. The recipe makes 30. He had chosen this recipe but then he was concerned because he wanted to give one to his next door friend (same age) even so Freddy is not in his class. Freddy doesn't like chocolate. We solved it by filling two cupcakes before stirring the chips in and then doing the rest. Everybody happy!

Helen came for taco salad dinner. William surprised us with cards for his mother and me. James told us that he had picked them out all be himself at the Dollar Tree store which the boy loves. 
Here is mine. So cool!

And then they left. School day tomorrow. It was a lovely Mother's Day for me. Sarah called several times too. What else can a mother wish for?

Monday - THE day!

Helen told us that when she brought William to school (they live too near and can't ride the bus) his teacher welcomed him dancing and singing "Happy Birthday to you, we are going to the zoo".
Yes, it happened that this was the day when his class went on a field trip to the zoo. After they returned they celebrated with William's cup cakes. He came home with several handmade cards from his class friends. The cards were so very cute. Very special.

James and I were invited for dinner and on the way we bought a # 8 candle.

And then it was time to say good-bye. After all, it is a school night.

A short visit this time but since he is a school boy we hardly see him during the week and it is more difficult. So we have to come back soon.

1 comment:

  1. A bonfire party is such a perfect idea for a Spring birthday! Loved the cooky decoration!

    Happy Birthday to William!


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