
Saturday, July 7, 2018

England Trip part 3 - Friday in Christchurch

Breakfast. Weetabix needs milk. James read the fine print. Isn't that interesting? Tastes better right away.

We are taking it easy this morning. It was decided that we leave for Christchurch after lunch. No hurry to pack. But then Jane says to James that the  band is marching to the Castle for the changing of the guard is really soon. We would always go to the barracks and then march with the band to the castle but I decided that there was no way I could walk with that bum knee that fast. I told James and Jane to do that and I would meet them at the castle. And that's what we did. I was a tad too late but as always we waited for the band to come back out which takes about 25 minutes. I love to watch the hustle and bustle in town.

Here is my VIDEO!

James had taken THIS VIDEO marching back to the barracks.

James and Jane marched back with the band and I took my time to go back to the house. I saw this and thought "Rapunzel, Rapunzel".

And I can't look enough at the little gardens in front of the houses.

We even had some time to read the paper. James found this!

After lunch we packed Jane's car and off we went.

It takes about 1 1/2 to 2 hours to Christchurch depending on the traffic. A big hello on arrival and then, of course, we were spoiled right away.

Jane drove our luggage around the corner to the Holiday Place and we walked across the ball/play field.

Accommodations are all mobile homes. David and Kate found the perfect place for us for the next three nights.

The others went back home and we settled in. Then we decided to walk to Tesco over the ball field along the river Stour and the golf course. We had done that walk when we had visited before.

England has not had much rain at all in several weeks. Look how dry this is!

When we walked back, we separated at the ball field. James went to our place and I went to David and Kate's house. More family had arrived. We sat in the garden under the awning. Grandmother Tricia played with her grandsons Sam and Paul. Jim is always part of entertaining children. He was so good with William last year too.

David trying to stay cool. And he is the one cooking on the grill.

Dinner. This is not finished yet. The wild rice has to soak up some more of the liquid. I forgot to take a "finish" photo of it but you can see it on the plates. It was sooooo delicious. David, the recipe please! Everybody liked it.

We were 13. I had to climb up onto the bench.

Dessert: Strawberry shortcake with custard!

Some left to go to their accommodations. James and I stayed around a little longer. Kate and Jane made dessert for tomorrow. Mmhh. I already have the recipe because I am sure it will be awesome. 

David treated James and me again with some of his oh-so-special REAL Cognac. And we talked and had a marvelous family time. The end of another great day. Kate and Dave have planned everything so carefully. People coming from all corners of the world (more about the later). Coming and going. Looking forward to tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I just noticed that there is a Legoland in Windsor! Great place to take the boys when they visit England!

    English gardens are the most beautiful, I think. And a Victoria Sponge! I need to give that a try soon.


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