
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Panama Day 1 - Panamá City

Saturday Sept 29
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Official Itinerary:
You depart from the U.S. today and fly to Panama City, Panama's capital and largest city. Or, join fellow travelers who took our optional pre-trip extension, Chiriqui Highlands, Panama.

Your Trip Leader or a member of our local staff will meet your flight at the airport and help you transfer to your hotel. Dinner is on your own this evening. Your Trip Leader will be happy to suggest a restaurant.
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This is what I wrote probably on 9-30: This is very frustrating. I thought I was finally able to finish this blog but after posting the photos were nowhere. No I will try to put them all in the beginning and have to rearrange when we are home.
Today 10-11: We are back home and one day at a time I will try to catch up with the blogs. Internet and gadgets just didn't want to cooperate. Besides, the days were very very full with activities so I just wrote everyday the text. Otherwise I would not know what we did when. It was a great experience.
So here it goes now!!!

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Saturday Sept 29

As we arranged our own transportation, most of this itinerary does not really apply. We came a day earlier and paid for the first night ourselves. Later we checked out and then checked in again as OAT group. We stayed in the same room but got new keys. How the system works. Btw I probably should mention that President Teddy Roosevelt and also President Clinton have stayed here in this hotel.

We had a pretty good sleep and took it easy. We might have been for breakfast after eight. I had brought my large special cup to have a good cup of tea. Perfect. It’s coffee-drinking country and those little cups just will not do for tea. The food was buffet of course but plentiful. We went to the omelette station. We were proud of ourselves that we did not overdo it.

Back to the room and then off to do some investigating. Our hotel could not be in a better location. It’s in the middle of the old town across from the Cathedral at the plaza which was buzzing this morning with people.

The cathedral is under renovation and we will not be able to go inside. The pope is coming next year so everything must be made ready for him.
VIDEO!      (0:38)

There were stands with crafts and of course I could not resist to have a look. But how do you decide what you want if you don’t know what is to come.

James bought his Panama hat he had wanted in Henley at the regatta but had been so expensive there. Of course there are knock-offs everywhere here too but what he found looks very nice and genuine (at least to us).

We had a map from the front desk and decided which way to go. To be honest, it doesn’t really matter where you go. Just wandering through the streets is interesting. A lot of restauration is going on but so much more needs to be done. A lot. You have to watch where you are going. In one photo you can see that a manholecover is missing. You could get into real trouble there.

We came to a park and sat for a moment in the shade. Helen would have liked to be near that statue.

We came to Our Lady of Mercy Church. Many people where visiting and it looked as if they were decorating for a wedding. There was a beautiful organ and somebody played just a little bit. Probably trying it out for the wedding.

We have seen this in several churches. People pray for a house or about something about their house and bring little houses to this saint.

We continued walking. It was uphill and when we were at the top (at the edge of the old town) we could see the modern city across the bay. I was parched. Did I mention that it was quite hot and humid? There happened to be a place which had palettas. Oh, a mango one for me would be good. We took them to go and found a bench under a tree in a park with a nice view. It was low tide this morning.

We made our way back to the hotel and decided to do the checking in and out I had explained earlier. We were given coupons for a welcome drink from the bar. Since we were thirsty we decided to cash them in right then and there. Of course they were only good for fruit punches or ice tea or drinks like that so we decided to take bottled water to go and bought beers. We also got nuts. Interesting. Looked like unpopped popcorn but quite nice.

The staircase is made from beautiful wood and our room is only one story higher I love going up it whenever my knee lets me.

Our tour guide Octavio found us and introduced himself. He had a folder for us with some maps and info about the next day. When we brought the folder to the room we also decided to quickly go up to the 4th floor to have a look at the pool. We were told you have a very nice view from there.

Refreshed we decided to find lunch. The craft stalls were still there. I had asked Octavio about them and got good information. Another look. Well, I didn’t buy what I had an eye on (quilt block to incorporate into something) but bought other things. There was a stand which had things carved from palm ivory. Very cool. Tagua is the nut from a palm tree. I could not leave the little nativity, could I?

But right next to it was a glass blower. He had heard what I had bought. Guess what? He had an even tinier nativity. Oh well, you need to support the local economy. It was only $4. I just hope I can get it home in one piece.

Then we finally made it into the Museo del Canal Interoceanico de Panama. It’s on the same square as our hotel. You can see it from our entrance just looking left. We paid senior entry and also got headphones in English for self guiding. It was all very well done and gave you a very good understanding. We spend quite some time in there. I was told I wasn't supposed to take photos, so I didn't (any more).

And then we did find a lunch place close by. I think it was 3:30 pm by now. I had the Lentejas Pal Muñeco (lentil soup) and oh was it good. James had the Patacón Vègano (tasty plantain with beans and avocado) and ensalada verde and was very happy with that too. The meal was a new experience. The people were very nice too.

Back to our hotel where we brewed ourselves a cup of coffee in the room and put or feet up.

Later we decided we should go out again. It was dark now and towns/cities look so different then. We were not really hungry but Octavio had told us about a place with tapas called Tantalo. We thought that would be perfect. It also had a rooftop. It wasn’t far and we found it without any problem. The rooftop was on the 4th floor. The breeze was lovely up there but the music was very loud and not our taste so we went down again to the street level floor. It had a nice atmosphere there. We decided to start with two tapas and ordered the Signature Octopus (sautéed with coconut milk, tomatoes, onions, garlic, ginger, and creamy yellow Peruvian chili, topped with fresh roasted coconut) and Steamed Green Mussels (on a pineapple green curry cream sauce). That with some wine was just incredible I would have never expected it.

Walking back was nice too because the humidity was gone and it was just a nice warm summer night.
I had walked 10000+ steps today and it didn’t take us long to fall asleep.

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