
Sunday, May 12, 2019

It has been a while ...

Yes, sorry, I was very very busy since I am back from Nashville. It makes me feel good though because I feel that I accomplished a lot. But too boring to report here.

To report? ... how much joy I have seeing so many things blooming!

In the back: My sweet william flowers are always one of the first to bloom.

Yes, even the chives is blooming and the flowers are edible. They taste oniony of course and look nice on salads. In these two weeks since I am back we had several meals on the back patio (with the awning driven out) and James even grilled.

Even went to the garden center, bought some annuals and (hurra!) planted them the same day. 

In the front: one rhododendron did well the other not so much.

The azaleas in the front looked puny for a while but then "exploded". 

The kusa dogwood greatly improved too. It needs a little shaping though.

My amaryllises are a miracle. Previous year's bulbs had been outside in these pots last summer. Then I had my knee operation in October and could not take them into the garage myself. James wanted to be helpful and did that but I had not explained that the pots have to be put into the garage as they are. He took the bulbs out of the dirt. They spent all winter in brown paper bags. When we had a warm day we wanted to clean and organize the garage and I found the bulbs ... showing some signs of life. James placed the pots for me and bought new dirt. I few days later they started to thank us.

April 26

May 2

May 4

May 5

May 6

On FaceBook I found this photo of our (former) church in Paducah, Kentucky. So pretty. Eye-candy!

Yeah, this was a surprise. Our last tickets for this season. Dr. Grandin was just brilliant and so was the moderator. Sometimes when you think you might not be interested but keep an open mind you will be surprised. Yes, keep an open mind.

Of course I had to see the "our young family" across the river. James brought Caleb to preschool and then we went for a walk with the twins. Sarah said that they always have to sit on this little wall.

They insisted.

Omi had to sit down too.

What else? I finished two major sewing projects, did my application for my expired British passport, almost finished a new Chrismon design and "harvested" fresh flowers from the garden where they are hardly seen and a storm is on the horizon. Peonies never survive a storm anyway.

And final comment: James wanted to go on a walk and called me outside. He knows I like things like that. We had a visitor.

James directed him (or her) in the direction of the woods behind our house. Way better than crossing the street, right?

1 comment:

  1. You all have such green thumbs! Love all the growing things!


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