
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

bye Scotland / hello Wells in Somerset

Friday June 21and it is time to pack. We have plenty of time though. The place Tricia found for us was very nice and she had stocked the homey kitchen with things for breakfast for us. We could make tea or coffee. All very nice.

When all was done I quickly wrote some postcards.

After that we relocated into the living room. We had turned on the heater and it was comfy. And then I saw the rooster. We had never heard it but this morning it crowed.
VIDEO!    (0:14)

Pam had come the previous morning because she wanted to talk with James about his Camino experience and we had a very nice chat them. She had also learned that I was a lacemaker. This morning she came by because she wanted to give me a gift. How sweet. She had used some old lace to cut into motives and used some as embellishment on a ring pillow for her daughter's wedding. She had wrapped some very carefully and gave them to me. How sweet is that? She wanted to know more about my lacemaking. I could show her some photos and luckily I also had a finished red heart I had tatted on the Danube trip. I think she was very happy about that.

And then her husband Doug also came to say good-bye. Such a nice couple. If she ever makes one of my beaded Chrismons I hope she will let me know.

Shortly before noon Tricia came to pick us up. It was a glorious morning. We could see the mountain tops. Their view is always great but even better with some sunshine.

VIDEO!     (0:34)

We had some lunch and then at 1 pm it was time to leave for the Inverness Airport. Robert did one more stop to let us have a good view in good weather and I took one more photo.
Thank you, Tricia and Robert for a really great time.

This was my note from our itinerary: 
fly EasyJet 394 from Inverness 3:55pm to Bristol arriving 5:15pm

Check in, security etc, all was easy and we had some spare time. We were thirsty and enjoyed a beer.

We landed pretty much on time but our suitcases took forever. Kate and David were waiting for us and had started to wonder. But finally we could hug and all was well.

David then drove us to the City of Wells in Somerset. David had found a hotel for us and you know what is important: location, location, location. 

The White Hart Hotel had definitely character. As the website says: The White Hart in Wells is situated just 10 short steps from the famous Cathedral & Bishops Palace in the Heart of England’s Smallest City.

David parked the car which would have given me a heart attack. It was the best place on the premises but getting there ... He had to fold his side mirrors in it was so narrow. And we had to get out of the car before he can put it against the wall. Yikes. 

Yes, we just brought the luggage to the room and took the few steps to the cathedral. 

We could walk around the old city and it was so much fun.

But since it was already 8 pm by now we looked for dinner ... and ended up at our hotel. 

I had fish and (no) chips (but mash potatoes instead) and mush peas which you see quite often in England.

James had English sausages.

Poor Kate took the short straw. She had ordered fish cakes on spinach but it arrived on a truck load of raw kale which she does not care for. We tried to explain to the server that this was not what the menu had said but all which happened was that they brought a little bowl with more spinach but the raw kale stayed. Needless to say we still tease her about it.

Before going to bed another quick look at the cathedral.

We agree to meet tomorrow morning for breakfast at 9 am. Night night.

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