
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Day 14 plus - leaving / arriving Germany

6-11 Tuesday

from the OAT itinerary:
Day 14:
After breakfast, transfer to the airport for your flight home

fly LH 1419 from Bucharest 2:10pm to Frankfurt arriving 3:35pm

rent car (Hertz) in Frankfurt Airport and drive to Ute 

6 nights in hotel: 
Montana Parkhotel Marl
Eduard-Weitsch-Weg 2, 45768 Marl

Tel: +49 2365 1020

* * * * *

Leisurely breakfast im Bucharest Sheraton Hotel. Here just a few glimpses.

We left with others from the group in a mini bus to the airport. Everything was easy. It was a Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt. It arrived a bit more than 1 hour late because of stormy weather which was not a problem for us but many missed their connecting flight and were nervous.

We got the luggage and then the rented car from Hertz and were on our way. Of course our iPhones were not of use without internet but we had brought our GPS with a Europe card from previous trips. It took us a different way than I have usually taken but it all worked out fine. We thought maybe it knows about roadworks or traffic jams.

I think we arrived at my sister Ute and her husband Siegbert at about 8 pm. She had a very nice veggie soup for us. It just hit the spot. Oh we had a lot to talk.about  Ute called the hotel that we had arrived but would be later there and was told that somebody is there 24/7. All good.

Yes, we were very happy with the hotel. Location, location, location. Easy to drive to from Ute. It was next to a little lake and on the other side was a shopping mall. Lovely for taking walks. When we arrived we had trouble finding a parking spot though but they directed me to drive partially onto the grass. 

Wednesday morning it looked like the car was standing in the middle of nowhere. Everybody else was gone.

We had declined to include breakfast in the hotel price because we really didn't want that much every day. We had to deal with "the sinning" on the ship anyway. So we walked to the "Sterner Mall" and had a pot of coffee and something baked. Wished it would not have come so huge but I am "addicted" to Mohnkuchen (poppy seed cake). OMG. Let this be an exception. But it was about 5 Euros for the whole deal.

After that we found our way to Ute. Chat, chat, chat. The big surprise was her daughter Maren (my niece) stopping by. She had to do something for her workplace and could have lunch with us. So great to see her and ... I could give her the Christmas package which had gone to Germany and had come back to our house in Virginia and now had traveled in my suitcase. Everything still looked good and she was excited about something new (a hot drink) with cinnamon I had found. She loves cinnamon, the fire-ry kind. 

After lunch and Maren had gone James and I went shopping. We tried to get a prepaid SIM card to use in an old telephone. We used to have one years ago and it was way cheaper then using our iPhones internationally. That turned out a fruitless undertaking. Seems that laws have changed and you can't just buy something that easily any longer. 

I remember seeing this though and thinking that it was unusual. Frikadellen are a German thing. They are like hamburgers but often just made in a pan instead a grill. And they are eaten cold often especially on picnics with potato salad etc. These were cut in half and stuffed with a cabbage salad. Don't know whether it could be sauerkraut too.

Back to Ute. Chat, chat, chat. 
Back at our hotel from the room window at 9 pm. Pretty cool.


The walk in the morning when the air is crisp is the best. The coffee is not bad either. This morning I opted for a plane Käsebrötchen. And we tried something between us which was not so good. Must have been pretzel dough.

Ute has three children: Carsten, Maren and Tobias. Tobias (and his wife Manuela) have two teenage boys. The younger Adrian comes Thursdays (by bicycle) for something to eat between some classes. He had called that he wasn't coming today. But what a surprise when the older Gero just showed up. He did not decline leftover food. Both boys are a joy to be with. Friendly, considerate, interested in participating in talks. He also quickly did something for his grandfather in the garden.

Later we had this! Rhabarbertorte. Ute knows how much I like rhubarb and she has it in her garden. It's not harvest time any more but she had some in the freezer and had baked this especially for me. OMG it was good. Thank you, Ute! I had it several days (including the last piece on the last day before we left).

Ute's husband Siegbert joined us often too. More chat, chat, chat.

Her paper napkins. We laughed because I said I could mark 5 of the 6 and she guessed which one not. No, I could not ask for more.

At 4:30 pm we met Carsten in a Cafe close to where he lived. It used to be a church/parish hall. The name is a play with words. Denkmal is a monument but Denk mal means think.

Something I didn't know. Carsten told me that this little bug is a larvae of a ladybug. Harmless and useful. We had a great time together chatting. He loves sports and does a lot of bicycling.

Back to Ute and chat, chat, chat.


We had agreed with Ute to meet at 9 am at Cafe den Sol for breakfast which also would last for lunch. No cooking for that then. Cafe del Sol looks very small in this photo but it is a large place and very nice. It's on the way between our hotel and Ute's .house.

James and I had Shakshuka. It was really very nice. 

Ute was more conventional. 

After that we went to the hotel to show Ute "our place".

Later we met again at her house. James had had his before breakfast walk near the hotel but I could see that he would like to "get more steps". So I asked him for the favor to bring this large envelope to the post office for me.

At 3 pm Maren came to take me shopping. James came too. I need a dress for the Royal Regatta in Henley and she agreed to help. She loves shopping. I ... not so much. 

But first she needed to stop somewhere and hop in so I took this photo (not a dog toilette!).

She took us to Bochum. First we were in a mall but not successful at all. But we got a recommendation there and went to the city center. All nice pedestrian shopping streets. So nice.

Yes, we were successful. Not only did we find a dress but we also ordered bedding mailed to us at home. Since we don't have to pay the included tax that almost takes care of the postage. 
THANK YOU, Maren. 

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