
Saturday, January 4, 2020

The New Year - starting with vacation - Day 1

Friday the 3. of January the alarm goes off at 3:30 am. At 4 am we are on the way to the airport. It is raining. We are happy to leave for a better climate. Vacation!!!

We had thought long about how we would do this at the unearthly hour including even taking a hotel room at the airport and parking the car there but finally decided just to park it at the long term. All went very well and in no time we were at the gate waiting.

James decided to have some “golden” coffee.

I was very surprised that we got something in the plane. Jet Blue was very good including lots of leg room. 

The sun came up beautifully. 

Once at the Fort Lauderdale Airport we had to wait a little for the hotel shuttle but it didn’t matter at all. It was warm with a warm breeze. I can’t remember when we were at the Hotel Morrison but it was way too early to check in. The hotel stored our luggage and we walked about. Not with the right shoes and clothing though but it still was nice. First we went to “Grampa’s” to have some coffee etc. Then we discovered that there was an Aldi in walking distance and since we are each allowed to take a bottle of wine on board the ship we made that purchase including those for Kate and David. 

Then it was time to check into the room and refresh. 
But there was still the whole afternoon. Kate and David would be landing from England (via Atlanta) at 6 pm. James found some information about a museum also in walking distance. So we headed out again. 

We were just crossing the street and getting on a sidewalk when James made a little leap. He almost stepped on an enormes crab rushing along and then disappearing under a car. It was the size of a hand when you spread out your fingers. With a lot of bending down and maneuvering my camera I managed to get these photos. The crab disappeared into the rain drain. 

The Wiener Museum of Decorative Arts (WMODA) was awesome. What a great find of James'. 

Here is the description: The most comprehensive British ceramics museum in the United States. In addition to the stellar collection of British decorative arts, the WMODA displays important works from the studio glass movements of the 20th and 21st centuries including CHIHULY. It is located inside the Gallery of Amazing Things. 

It really wasn't very far and the walking did us good. From the entrance we were taken up in the elevator to the Museum. We were very lucky because just after we had paid the well-worth fee of $8 each for seniors a tour started. We were told that it takes about 45 minutes to an hour but it really is a must because there is so much to see and only with the explanations can you really appreciate it. After the tour we walked around by ourselves to take some photos. None do it any justice though. 
The tour started here talking about how it started in the 16 hundreds in Stoke-in-Trent.

So much eye-candy.

In-between these paintings of Josephine Wall. Just loved them. You have to study each painting really hard because there are lots of hidden faces and figures in them. So clever.

So much to see. And you wonder: how did the artist to that?

I am afraid that the photos will not mean much if you have not been there yourself but they will remind us that if we ever take another cruise from Fort Lauderdale to make sure to visit this again. What a treasure.

In the gift shop were also glass pieces for sale. My friend Christina will be happy to hear that even though those there were very pretty (and expensive) that I think the ones she made and gifted to me are way prettier. I have to find better places for them in my house.

Elevator back down and a quick glimpse in the Gallery of Amazing Things. There just happened to be a show of Christopher Marley's pieces. The framed insects first shocked me but when I talked with a worker there he told me that the artist collects the already dead insects (no killing) so being framed they have somehow new life. 

And then there was this: only $120,000

The highlight of the day: Kate and David arrived. What a 'hello' it was. James and I had contemplated  how we could help them with the hotel shuttle since their British telephone doesn't really work here. We had texted and waited and just had decided to go downstairs into the lobby when they showed up at our room. They had just taken a taxi and it was very quick.

David said he was extremely thirsty and needed something. How 'lucky' that we had a beer in our fridge in the room, ha-ha. After they had refreshed we went to 'Grandpa' again. Service was very slow this time but it didn't really matter because we had a lot to talk about. We will have 11 days to talk, ha-ha.

We all were tired and went to bed early. This was Day 1 of our vacation. Yeah!

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