
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

William's vacation, Day 13

Saturday    4th of July

We took it easy in the morning, basically settling back in after our beach vacation. Papa and William had to take care of one thing though: William needed a bike helmet.

William had just learned to ride a bike and it came with him from Nashville. But he had outgrown it and we wanted to give him a new one, or at least new to him. Absolutely unbelievable how difficult it is right now to buy one. He needed a 24" one. Sarah and Wade had tried for a while to find one used (since he will outgrow this one quickly too) but this size seems to be a hot item on Marketplace. Sarah is always buying and selling very successful there especially since the children outgrow the toys etc so fast. But she just couldn't be fast enough with this bike.

James and I tried even to look for a new one online hoping that we could order a pick-up from one of the big department stores here in Richmond and even close to the beach house. No luck and even amazon was "out of stock". We were running out of William's vacation time but on Sarah and Wade's last day in the beach house they found a good one and it was promised to them. When they arrived home in the evening Sarah immediately made her way (tired as she was) to the seller to make sure that it really was a success.

This Saturday morning there was almost the same problem with the helmet "out of stock". Thanks to the internet you can find out which shop might have one without you having to drive around and around. Papa and William came home successful. I could not believe that the colors even matched the bike since Sarah had taken a photo for us when she had brought it home.

We made our way to "the cousins" after lunch and he could finally see his big surprise. Not necessary to say that he loved it, hopped on and did pretty well. But the twins were napping and we couldn't really go for a bike ride just then.

William and Caleb enjoyed some refreshing time. It seemed soon there was not much water left because of all the splashing.

James and Wade were too in the shade.

When the twins woke up the party started! Sarah's big find on Marketplace: the jeep for two. Caleb's tractor had always been a big favorite. The four had a lot of fun with the tractor, the jeep and the pool.

VIDEO!     (0:37)

When Sarah woke up (she is working night shifts right now) she asked William to show her how he rides the bike. Already he is better.

And then some 4th of July fun. Wade had bought some simple "fireworks" which were actually kind of crackers no dog would mind. But the boys had fun.

Supper had to be the traditional hamburgers and hotdogs, grilled by Wade they were delicious. Soon it was past the twins bedtime. James, William and I said thank you for a nice time and took Caleb with us to spend the night.

Needless to say that it wasn't bedtime right away at our house but the boys had fun. They were really cute together ... and eventually fell asleep, ha-ha. Happy Independence Day!

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