
Saturday, October 3, 2020

Covid landscaping

Ha-ha, is this a strange headline? Well, this project is in the works for quite a while. When the pandemic started we quarantined ourselves for a while. We decided we could socialize somewhat with much caution. It started out with dinners (bring your own) in a driveway with 4 couples, one in each corner with a small table each. 

This is our back yard. There is quite a drop down.

There is a gate in the bottom corner (for the lawnmowers mainly).

We decided quickly that it would be lovely to have those meetings not on the driveway but on the back patio. It was rather small though. At the moment 3 couples is probably a maximum. But the slope down to the gate and up again inside is a challenge, especially if there is a little moisture like dew on the grass.

We decided the strip of untidy plantings had to go ...

... and a gate was cut into the upper corner of the fence. The gate is still in the works.

The planning was a bit of an ordeal. We had to draw a plan and apply to our HOA. We did it the 'official' way. When we 'finally' had permission and 'finally' found the right landscaper there came also the day when the project 'finally' got started. The irrigation was the major problem because we were required to use a certain company connected with the community. But here Wray's landscaping men arrived at 7:30 am.


The patio received an extra 4 feet.

The plantings along here were removed and the foundation laid for the walkway. Because of the slope there had to be a little wall.

In the evening when the workers had left James and I do some surveying. It will be nice.

Ha-ha, they 'secured' the gate hole.

The men were hardworking, fast and friendly. Before I could look in the morning there was already the next layer ready for the pavers.

Look at those clouds of dust when they cut the stones.

In the evening of the second day the main part of the job was done.
And here is a VIDEO   (0:59) 
The irrigation people have to come back and the gate has to be installed but ... we are happy ...

On Sunday September 27 it was used for the first time 'officially'. We had lunch in honor of Irma's birthday. 

James and I like to use it as often as we can. Unfortunately the weather now is not always friendly enough to do that. Fortunately it was good again on Monday for lunch and a game of cards. And there was even a gorgeous dahlia in the temporary flower pot. It was placed there as a visual to make aware of the little wall. We don't want anybody to miss the step. 

When we came home last night we found that the irrigation is done too. Now we can put the final touches on. I am afraid it might take a little while since the weather started to get iffy now and then too cold or too wet, ha-ha.

We are not bored even if we should social distance us. Believe me, we take that seriously. But I love to cook. Here I tried out a new tomato pie recipe. Not as good as the recipe I used for years. James said: don't change what doesn't need fixing.

Sarah gave me part of her sourdough starter. Here is my second (or third) batch. It makes two and one is always given away. Makes somebody else happy (I hope). We don't eat much bread.

But I can't help "inventing". Part the above recipe and part banana bread recipe but whole wheat flower used instead of ordinary. A bit too sweet because the bananas (from the freezer) where very ripe.

We try to get our 10,000 steps every day mostly walking in our community. We came across a private concert around the corner. Neighbors gather together. Most are very good with the social distancing and masks.

On those walks I always have my telephone camera handy. 

I like the second photo of the mushrooms. Are those James' legs in the background?

Still once in a while I sew some more masks. Sarah asked for 2 for her twins with different elastic for going to day care.

These I just did for a little boy (age 3 or so) who has to wear a mask all day long at his day care. Sarah's friend reported today that the mask was a huge success with him because he wore it securely the whole day. That made me happy. Masks are not created equal. It's a very personal thing and one fits better than another.

And to sum it up: we are cautious, don't take any unnecessary risks, have lots to do and feel blessed. 


  1. Love your new patio ad that you are able to have friends around. We still have too many restrictions, but keep busy.

    1. Diana, we are very very careful, some would say probably to the point of being paranoid. But we still have fun. The patio needs a lot more "tweaking" but we can take our time on that.


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