
Thursday, February 4, 2021

Kids activity

Don't know how daughter Helen found out about "Raddish".

Last year she bought a few months for William, I think for his birthday. When they both came for Thanksgiving she brought one month with her. William and Caleb with help from their mothers made the veggie side dishes for the festive meal together. Caleb loved it and Helen decided that was a perfect Christmas gift from them to him. We had nice reports about the boys cooking efforts since then.

Sunday a week ago it was Helen's birthday. William cooked a thai meal for her and made the tiramisu dessert. Helen shared these photos on FaceBook.

Friend Kim celebrated with them and posted this photo on FB saying it was the best tiramisu ever. Seems that Bernie liked it too!?

Sarah also shared photos on FB. Caleb was also making tiramisu.

He also made raviolis. 

I think this kid's cooking club is a success. Helen also commented that William now likes to eat things he might have never tried before.

Can't wait until they can invite Papa and Omi again. No vaccination on the horizon for us yet.

Helen says that if you are interested in trying this ... you could save $20 with this code: 5GX538

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful. What a fantastic gift for a child and what a gift William gave to his mother.


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