Friday, July 26, 2024

Family Trip - Day 15 - full day in Munich

Tuesday July 9

Breakfast was not automaticly included in our reservation but we opted to buy in. It was a good start of the day.

A photo out of the others' window. It's not guests parking there. 

The front of our hotel. As I said before: it was in a good location. 

One of the many interesting houses. Not sure why but I didn't take that many photos this time.

We were all on the way to the Viktualienmarkt, the Munich farmer's market. Sarah and her family had to stop at the park with the playground again.

I think we arrived and we found the others.

After that we wanted to visit the English Garden but it was further than we thought. Or may be it was just because it was quite a hot day.

This is not at all what I thought it might be. Our intro to the English Garden were the waves at the "Eisbach". Unbelievable the boys could have said there forever and watch the surfers. 

Finally the boys were ready to move on but we did not get far. This was too inviting for them.

After the swimming (of some of us) we continued to the Chinese Tower. It was a lovely walk in the park.

Since I had done no investigating beforehand I didn't know that it seems to be a second Hofbräuhaus. It's lunch time! But it is self-serve. We were too busy to decide, buy, pay and schlepp to take photos. But it is an incredible set-up. When all those tables are full, it might be still quite orderly and convenient. 

Then came the big question: how to we get back? I thought it could be a lot of fun to take one of those bicycle rickshaws. And we were immidiately approached. Except ... we needed three. 

James and Helen were first with Caleb between them and Colin on the back.

I wasn't that happy with ours. It was so inclosed/confined. The view was blocked. And the guy was too businesslike. But still William, Owen and I thought it was a nice experience. 

We were all brought to the Marienplatz and met there again. 

Sarah did some shopping on the way back to the hotel. She bought t-shirts. I love them.

In the evening we asked at the hotel desk whether they had a dinner recommendation. And they had. 
Andy's Krablergarten. It was outdoors and very German food. Several of us had really nice "Rolladen" (beef rolls). They were gigantic. And the potato dumplings were genuing too. Ha-ha, I didn't know that in Bavaria what I call Rotkraut is here Blaukraut (red cabbage vs. blue cabbage).

I was very happy that I was prepared. A tourist could be in trouble. Some places do not take credit cards (like Andy's) and some do not take cash. For a party of 9 that could be a problem!

On the way home the boys needed to stop at the park again.

In our room: time to work on packing. And ... the Eurocup is still going on.

Ah, how can this be? Tomorrow the children are leaving. James and I are so grateful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Auf dieser Reise viel gesehen und erlebt und dabei viel Spaß gehabt mit der Familie und Freunden.
Liebe Grüße von Ute