
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Camino Day 7 - Pontevedra

We both had a good nights sleep. It was already light when we woke up. We headed out after 9 am to find some coffee. No use going earlier because in Spain things start late.

Two coffee con leche came automatically with o j and churros.

It also came with strong Wi-Fi and my iPad did its thing on the chair.

After that we strolled around a little. At least it wasn't drizzling rain this morning.

On the right is the Convento de San Francisco and we went up the steps.

We took a moment to meditate. The flowers left and right distracted me though.

Kim had commented on an earlier blog that they are called "naked lady lilies" and that doesn't seam suitable next to an altar.


Churches in Spain are so different then ours. So over the top ornate. Is it because they are truly sooooo old? There was plenty of lace around too. Here just some samples.

James had his med only twice so far so we decided to take it easy and moser back to the hotel. We pass our earlier breakfast place again.

I want to give you some impression of this Parador. I found this information on the Internet.
The Parador, once the residence of the counts of Maceda, is located in the old quarter of the magnificent city of Pontevedra. You will be welcomed by a stately carved stone staircase leading to comfortable guest rooms. The building is decorated with antiques and very valuable classic furniture. It combines regal, noble and stately styles with charming rural elements.
I also found THIS VIDEO.

On the way to the room. The place is quite big and there is lots to investigate.

Doors on the right in the above photo.

Part of our hallway to our room must be the original outside wall.

We thought we might like to sit a little outside. After I took this picture I realized I could have taken this from our room and it would have looked almost the same.

Looking down from the terrace to the entry.

Finally we decided that the lounge is quite comfy. There is Wi-Fi here.

After a while we decide to go out again. It is after 1 pm already. Only a few steps around the corner was this cute place. James orders an Aquarius and I the local white ... We look at the menu and James decides to have a mixed salad and I decided on the Caldo Gallego and Padron peppers. Ha, the peppers came with the drinks so we didn't order them.

The soup was very hot and very tasty. James had thought I would be disappointed because when he had had it 2 years ago his had been very watery. Not this one.

After a while Claudia saw us and said hello. We had met her in the hotel yesterday. We invited her to sit with us. She is from Germany and lives in Dresden. She was born in Friedrichroda (close to Gotha were my grandparents lived) and we had lots to talk about. She walked from Porto and also stayed the same two nights wanting to spoil herself a little. She said that she already met lots of people on the camino and we can believe that. She is not shy.
But that is really the nice part of the Camino ... meeting people from all over the world.

The difference a little sun makes. James and I criss-crossed the old town and really enjoyed it. Many little squares with (or without) fountains or statues.

This was on the way to the Basilica de Santa Maria A Grande.

A foto for Donna and Stefan! There were several more besides these.

Back to the hotel. James took a really deep nap (I could hear it). Refreshed we decided to go out again and look for something to eat. It was almost 7 now. We were close to the river so decided we should see it.

Somehow we got lost a little and ended up in the newer town. Old or new, the town started To get lively. Early afternoon it always seams deserted. Only a few foreigners around.
This was cute and the children played around it.

We wanted pulpo but still most places were not open yet. So we went to were we had the snack earlier. We had liked it there and knew that they offered pulpo.

The other tapas we shared was mussels without shells. They called it marinara. The sauce was great.

9:30 pm and time to turn the light off. Hoping that the med helped and we are (almost) back to normal. To bad he has to forgo the wonderful local wine though because of those antibiotics. Sigh. We are very lucky that time is not an issue for us. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers.


  1. That marinara looks amazing. Enjoy the day tomorrow!

  2. Your comment about Naked Ladies not being appropriate in the church gave me my first laugh of the day, my friend!

    The Parador is beautiful. I think you all are very smart to schedule in breaks like this. As you say, you don’t have anything to prove and it will make the trip better for you.


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