
Friday, September 11, 2015

Camino Day 8 - Pontevedra to Caldas des Reis

Last night James and I discussed what to do next. Since starting the antibiotic med he steadily feels better but will it be good enough the next day. No worries. We could stay another night or have a service bring the heavy backpacks to the next place we think we might walk to or ...
After a very good night's sleep he felt much better and we got ready. James had a banana to eat so he could take the next med. Short before 8 James paid the bill (yeah, with our "pretty" German debit card!) while I posted quickly yesterday's blog in the lounge since we didn't have good enough internet in the room. Ready to go!
This picture was taken at 8:01 am at the bridge leaving Pontevedra. 63 km to Santiago!

We didn't go far when James spied an open door to a bakery in a dark alley. We bought a baguette just in case we didn't find breakfast anywhere. James had put a can of Aquarius (electrolytes) into each of our water bags and then added the water.

Some peregrinos had fun taking pictures with this statue. I think this was at Santa Maria de Alba.

At 9 o'clock the fog was still around and we wondered what we would see if we could see. The guide book told us that we were climbing again to 135 meters (443 feet) and I think it is called San Amaro.

We both thought it was so pretty between the moss and fern or eucalyptus woods.

This is the old Via Romana XIX (19) and this is an old roman bridge. Is that impressive or what?

We knew we were walking close to the railroad and eventually had to cross them. From afar we could see one of two young men lay down on the tracks so the other could take a photo. Idiots!

When we had reached the top we were eager for a cafė. Yes, coffee con leche and tostadas. We also met two ladies there from Münster which is close to where I originated in Germany. The picture says it was taken in Barro.

Of course ... one side up and the other side down ... after that it was much more level. The weather was perfect.

At 11:41 am I took this picture: less then 50 km to walk to Santiago. Yeah!

By noon we had to find a pile of stones to sit on. James had one more can of Aquarius he wanted to share so he didn't need to carry any longer. And of course we still had the bread. The two German ladies walked by and I asked one to take our photo.

Then I took their photo when they were walking on.

It truly never gets boring. Scenery always changes. We have to walk short stretches on a busy highway but when possible we are sent through vineyards, in this instance with kale next to it.

Here we have a canopy of grapes above us.

Can something fall into my mouth please? Actually, I think they are for vino and don't taste good like this. We have seen bunches thrown into the ditch because somebody didn't taste just one grape before they stole a lot. Waste makes me mad.

We saw a lot of harvesting going on and there was always a friendly "buenos dias" or "Buen carmino".

I must admit I was struggling at the end. We must have walked 20 km today with uphill in the beginning. We reach Caldas des Reis at 1:40 pm.

The albergue has a bad reputation. We see a sign for accommodations for pilgrims "La Moderna". We hit the jackpot. We have a room just for us with our private bathroom. And it's only a little more then the albergue. A girl shows us up, leaves the keys with us and tells us to register down in the shop (drugstore?) between 5 and 6.

After settling, showering, etc etc we look for some food. When we came over the bridge we saw places which looked so inviting.

It was a really nice place but it took forever to get some food. We did talk with a couple from Charleston SC though having their 25th anniversary. They are doing this with all prebooked posh hotels though. We also talked with a young couple from Portugal who are on their honeymoon. They tell us that they are checked into the albergue and it is horrible. We might find them later in our place.
When the food finally comes we really enjoy it and it was very cheap.

Our view from there and while we were sitting we wondered about Claudia from the day before and whether she has made it yet. A minute later we see her on the bridge.

And because we are both suddenly cold we want to go to our room but past the "Caldas". Those are hot springs the town is named for. There are two free ones.
And who should we see there? Claudia and a girl Andrea from South Africa she had met walking.
This spring is so hot that you can't put your feet in but for a second. Just holding them over it makes you warm. Somebody walking past pointed to go a little further and we could swim.

We did go just a few yards further and this water was not quite so hot.

It felt really good. REALLY REALLY good!

We went back to the room. The shop was open. The guy was so nice. Shook our hands with both hands and told us we would sleep well. We paid and he told us that he would put sandwiches for us for tomorrow (I guess in the kitchen) for free.
Time goes so fast here. It was already 7 when we ventured out again. We wanted just a little bite. First we past the church with the palm trees and the door was open so we went in.

I have never seen lace like this in a church before. I am sure it is handmade.

The bridge we came over into town looks different from this side.

But then James thought we should have Aquarius to put into our water bags tomorrow so we looked for a supermarket. When you ask somebody they are so nice and the words pour out to you like a waterfall ... but James understood the major words and we found it. You can see him carrying it ha-ha.

Then we followed the guidebook where the major food places where supposed to be which was all belony.

We did find a place and the food was very nice. Appetizer selection for James and Caldo Gallego (Galicia soup) for me. We had no idea it was going to be so much.

We had also ordered Ensalada Mixta for each of us. That too was not a small portion. No regrets though!

Time to find the bed. And wouldn't you know. As soon as we were on our way we saw many places where we could have eaten.
Ups, we had forgotten James' bananas. I had seen a place right around a corner though and they were still open. All is well. Another special day.
Night night.


  1. Oh, dear! That bakery with the stacks of baguettes. I imagine that you all followed your noses there! That was my only regret about Paris – not getting a fresh from the oven baguette or croissant at a bakery in the early morning!

    I can just imagine how wonderful those hot springs felt on all those tired feet.

  2. You are such a good story teller! You make me want to join you on a camino one day. If it weren't for all the walking, it would be a perfect trip! :-)


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