
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Caleb is turning 4

Happy Birthday, Caleb!

But first Sarah had plans what needed to be prepared. Tuesday Nov.14 was Sarah's day off and James and I had promised to help.

Theme of the birthday party was "drive-in movie". We made 8 little cars from big diaper boxes.

Trying out the set-up downstairs. Looking good.

Friday I had to leave the end of the CR Bazaar to other church volunteers. The Opera was waiting for us. The Girl of the Golden West by Puccini. Because of the rush-hour traffic at that time we left as early as we could and even were on time for the pre-performance lecture which was also splendid. We enjoyed the evening very much.

The party was Saturday. Caleb said again and again that it was not his birthday but just the party (so cute - his birthday was actually the next day). It was at 10:30 am ... a good time for parents with children who still take naps.

I think Sarah did a super job with the birthday cookie (chocolate chip). The two cars have names but Omi is not clever enough to remember them.

Party downstairs was too cute with popcorn and juice drinks etc.

The baby monitor was also set-up upstairs. Parents took turns downstairs.

And there always comes the point of the birthday cake/cookie. This is a really cute VIDEO!

After everybody else had left except the 4 grandparents and Grayson and his family, the two boys played nicely together, sometimes under the table.

Lucky that the party was early because we also had our Richmond Forum season tickets for the evening. We really would not have liked to miss hearing Barack Obama. It was very interesting and at times he was quite funny.

It was a shorter one than usual without intermission so we were home earlier and could stage everything for next day's drive to Nashville.

Busy times? You bet!

1 comment:

  1. I can hardly believe that Caleb is FOUR!!! What a great party Sarah organized!


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