
Monday, December 4, 2017

Thanksgiving Time

Time to visit in Nashville again. Sunday November 19 we went to early service and went on the road straight from church. A later start then usual but the sky was blue and the sun was shining. There were patches of trees which showed their autumn colors. Also, since it was Sunday, the streets were less crowded.

Later start, later arrival.

William still had school so no sleepovers but on Monday we could pick him up and take him for an ice cream. Yeah.

Tuesday we went and took Captain D's lunch to Helen where she teaches ESL to her immigrants.

I loved the signs on the wall in the break room.
When we left we were called back because the next class wanted to meet the parents of their beloved teacher. They love her and she loves them. The students were from Myanmar and Nepal.

And after school William arrived for his sleepovers. No school next day. Thanksgiving mini vacation.
William likes to play games. After playing several games of dominoes we used the stones to try our luck in building.

One of the things we had to do on Wednesday was bake two pies. William wanted to bake (eat) pumpkin pie and his parents had requested Auntie Sarah's apple pie. We both had fun and he even did the crimping of the edges.

Thursday ... Thanksgiving Day ... taking it easy. William likes to climb in when he wakes up and cuddle. Who would not like that?

And then later there is the Parade and of course lots of playing in the living room including "angry birds".

We were invited to be at the Farm for the FEAST at 1 pm. And what a feast it was. Helen and Ben had cooked many delicious dishes. Ben had lost his mother in June when we were in Europe. A difficult time for sure. And since then a lot of time was spent sorting things out in her house. But there is always a bittersweet side. They had found different sets of dishes and silverware and laid the table very nicely.

After the meal (the turkey wasn't stuffed any more but we were) Ben showed us around on the (former) farm. There were chicken houses and ham smoking houses and other interesting things.

Wade had mounted a new gate. William was a bit reluctant to "ride" on it. VIDEO!

Back at the back porch the kitty had left a present.

William wanted to spent the night with his parents at the farm (times are changing) so I had time to work on this year's Chrismons back at the townhouse. Perfect! Now all 100 were done!

An important day for Helen. With the help of another lady she wanted to organize William's room. She had asked me to come as well. It was fun working together and making great progress. We sorted all the toys and clothes and sorted out those things he had outgrown. Helen was happy. We found the cardigan and hat I had knitted for Baby William and decided to dress a teddy.

I found these old photos. I think they were taken February 2011. Cute little William. He is such a big boy now. I must say that I didn't do such a bad job considering that I didn't even have a pattern and made it all up myself.

Back at the townhouse Ben came and brought William again for another sleepover. We had sorted out all his train tracks and brought them to the townhouse ... in case he wouldn't want to part completely with them. It was a huge success. Here he could build wherever he wanted. We started by making a track totally around the two chairs.

And then we built in a loop ... and a bridge.

And then the three of us went to the Mexican restaurant close to us. William had a big appetite.

He ate so well that we didn't mind adding the dessert.

Saturday was the crucial day. What would William say to the "progress" in his room. Actually it was a pleasant moment. He could not believe all the books, games and toys he had he had not found in a long time. The whole reason was that he needed a big bed now and space had to be made for it.

After that he was ready for the bed shopping. His Mommy had already done her homework and knew exactly where she wanted to look. The bed is now ordered and will be delivered Monday December 11 or was it the 13? Anyway, it was a day when Helen is on Christmas break and can be at home to wait for the delivery.

Then back to the townhouse to play more with the trains. A "shortcut" way between the chairs with an approach from the south and north, another bridge, another loop. Papa was into it too. What needed to be delivered by the train where etc etc. Lots of fun.

Sunday we went to church. Sunday school is after the service and William loves it. Of course we stayed so he could participate. Because of the holiday weekend there was no adult Sunday school so James went to investigate the Blessing Box we had heard about. It is mounted next to the church driveway close to the road.

It is totally unlocked and available for people to put things in or take things out ... I guess similar to the "little free library". James and I guess that it must have been an old metal school locker.

Information on the inside of both doors. I especially like the "Please help spread the word in the community".

For lunch we were again invited to the farm.

On the way he say this advertising board. He kept saying "You get it? You get it?". Yes, Omi got it. Ha-ha. And he doesn't even like fries.

We took William's suitcase with us and left him there afterwards. That made saying good-bye to him easier than he leaving our place.

We had the evening to pack up and get ready for the return to Virginia. But not before some of the Advent-sacks have been packed ready for Helen to pick up. I can't believe that Advent/Christmas-time is already upon us.

On Sunday we had some car trouble with the brand new Honda. Warning lights had come on and then gone off again but the car ran nicely.

So, Monday morning we were off early as always. About 170 miles without any problems but then ... the warning lights again. Something about the brakes. The brakes worked fine but somehow it affected the cruise control. It didn't work and these days we are so used to the convenience of it. So we googled and found a dealer in Bristol. James used the waiting time to read his newspaper with the free internet and I did some Chrismons for Helen.

About 2 hours later we were on the road again. Nothing lost but some time. I always get amused about this stretch of the highway. Two roads run together but one is called South and one is called North ... in the same direction.

 And when James was driving I worked a little more on you know what. Helen will be pleased.

We had to drive the last hour in the dark but no big deal. All is well. And the feeling of a really great time in Nashville with our loved-ones there. We have Thanksgiving Day every day.

*  *  *  *  *

I have to add this photo taken by Ben. He is the best selfie-taker ever.

1 comment:

  1. Love that sweater. You are so talented, my friend!

    I really love the idea of a blessing box!


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