Saturday, August 3, 2024

After the Family Trip - Day 21 - going home

Monday July 15

Our trip is coming to an end because this is the last day in Singen with our friends. As always we had a leasurely breakfast. This newsletter lay in the hallway and it reminded me again how all the Germans seem to follow the USA politics more than USA citizens do here. Everything which happens in America is discussed on television and in the homes in detail. Europe is very, very concerned. You would not believe it.

The weather was so nice that James and I encouraged Corry and Werner not to neglect their health and to go swimming, which they do almost daily as their routine. 

And it is such a nice place to have an easy lunch. Again we met several of their friends. 

At 4:30 pm we were in the train and waving good-bye to Corry and Werner. 

I love this train ride. Looking out of the window at Schaffhausen always makes me happy. This is the Rhein River. 

And the waterfall looks much more inpressive when you are closer. At our next visit I really want to visit it on foot.

Screenshot of the map. The blue circle shows where we were at the moment of the picture taking. You can see Zürich on the right (where we are spending the night) and Singen to the left where we spend time the last few days. 

By 7 pm we were in the prebooked hotel, checked in and settled in our room. We had used this hotel before. It's the one with the strange (but inovative) shower in the room. 

It was too early to call it a day and we needed a beer. 

Tuesday July 16

No complaints, we slept ok and woke up in time. We had scheduled the hotel shuttle for 6:30 am. At 9:57 am we were seated in the plain to leave Zurich for Newark. 

Bye bye Zurich, Switzerland, at 10:16am. 

Hello Newark Liberty International Airport at 2:26 pm ... roughly 10 hours later. Of course in Newark we had to get our suitcases, go through customs, go through passport control, go to security again and then wait at your gate. 

And then we touched down in Richmond. We had arranged transportation which was waiting and soon we were home.  

For days after I kept saying that only our bodies were home, my mind was still on our wonderful trip. And, to be honest, we are still trying to get back to normal (whatever that is). We are so blessed!

THE END (of this trip)

Thursday, August 1, 2024

After the Family Trip - Day 20 - Singen

Sunday July 14

The weather is gorgeous. Actually, I think we have been very lucky with the weather all during our trip. Yes, there was a bit of rain. Yes, there were some really hot days without airconditioning. But we saw a lot of sun. Yessss!

After noon we decided to go for a walk. This is a very funny bench at the side of the trail.

But it has a very nice view.

We walked along wheat fields with poppy plants and chamomile flowers. With some imagination I can smell it now.

The walk through the forest was lovely except for the mosquitoes but the view when we came out was lovely. 

A little later we drove to Rielasingen. Elvira and Franz had invited us. So much to talk about. There are the memories and then there are the children and grandchildren to talk about. 

Later, for dinner, James and I had invited our hosts to a restaurant. Like for James' 80th birthday (October 2022) we had decided on the restaurant on the Hohentwiel. 

We had made reservations for us including their younger son Florian. 

We made the reservations to insure a table with a nice view. No disappointment here. 

I had already reported that the Aperol Spritz was a very popular aperitif. But on this menu I found the Bodensee Spritz (Brennerei Senft Bodensee / Balance von süß und fruchtig / Orange / frische Kräuter von der Insel Reichenau / Wermut / Prosecco). Of course I had to try it. It was nice. 

Yes, the view was nice. Here you can see the Hohenkrähen. 

Ha-ha, no photos of our food. No worries though. It was delicious and we had fun. 

Back at the house we either watched a Eurocap game or played Five Crowns. Either way, I am sure we had a good time. And then it was time to go to bed.