Tuesday, June 23, 2020

William's vacation, transfer and Day 1

Hurra! Sunday June 21 was finally the day. James and I drove from one end and Helen with William from the other. We met at the Virginia Welcome Center in Bristol. We had a lunch picnic together and Helen took these photos.

And then Helen drove back home and we drove back to Richmond with William, his visit 4 weeks late. But what do they say? Better late and never!

We did a few stops to stretch our legs. This overlook is especially beautiful.

Monday - Day 1
None of the cousins could wait to see us again. William kept asking "when am I going to see them". Sarah was working so we arranged to meet the Nanny with Caleb, Colin and Owen at Meadow Farm Park. This makes grandparents happy to see.

We walked around, looked at the farm animals and all sorts of things. It was hot though.

We had parked across the pond which was perfect. So much to see. Look for fish, frogs, turtles, a heron and more.

We even found a bench in the shade for our picnic lunch.

Oh yes, they could not resist jumping over the water onto the "island" and got there shoes really wet and muddy.

We still had time but it was so hot. So we went all to our house and had quickly made strawberry ice cream on the back patio. The boys had fun rolling down the hill in the back yard. 

Owen complained about his legs itching from the grass so I hosed everybody's legs off which they of course enjoyed. After they left William asked Papa for some more refreshment.

At about 6 pm we had a bad surprise. James called for me to have a look what was on the patio under the bedroom windows.

I took the above photos and texted them to the Virginia Wildlife Management and Control people, in my contacts under "Snake identifiers". The answer came quickly: Venomous copperhead. We decided that we wanted it removed and not do it ourselves. We got a call and advice not to take our eyes off it. James did that job.

They were very good and we learned a lot and got a lot of information too. 

Having lived in Kentucky and even had stepped on a copperhead there we are concerned but not to get a heart attack when we see one.

FYI: Blog written with William's help as a report for his parents.

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