Saturday, September 25, 2021

Mini vacation - part 2

Thursday afternoon

Wow, that had been a glorious morning and lunch. A little rest, probably a coffee and a game of cards on the patio. Ha-ha, may be no internet means I can't work on anything and chill (but then when back home again ... catch-up).

So, after 4 pm we decided it was time for a walk on the beach. Nice not to need the car. 

I think this is actually not the ocean yet but its still the Chesapeake Bay (or estuary). Not sure what those poles are for. For boaters? For fishers? Anyway, it was funny to see a bird/gull on each one of them.

Yes, plenty of steps today. This was a really wonderful time mostly spent in nature. Thank you, Lord!


The weather forecast was not so favorable. We were supposed to get rain on and off most of the day. We 'googled' on parks/trails near by and decided to go to West Neck Creek Natural Area. It had a nice write-up.

It was strange that it lead us to park the car in a cul-de-sac in a brand new subdivision but there was what it looked like the beginning of a trail. 

We walked around and around but always came soon to the edge of the woods and the walkway ended every time. We never came across the natural trails it had advertised. 
Finally we went back to the car and googled again. When we put the address again into the app and drove it got even more strange. Obviously we were not going in the right directions. When we pulled over and checked everything again we found that as soon as we clicked 'go' it would change the address. This was on my iPhone but when James tried it on his exactly the same happened.

This photo is just before 2249 Mt Pleasant Rd and it is right next to a bridge which opens to let taller ships through. Of course this is what just happened here. We could see the masts of the sailboat go from left to right.

We never solved this mystery, gave up and went back. We had a quick lunch and a nice walk again on the beach. The clouds looked ominous but it was warm so we didn't care. 

There was quite a strong wind and people was using sails for boarding etc (not sure what you call it). We watched a guy for quite a while who never got up. Poor guy. He had a teacher but it didn't seem to help.

We had a lovely walk. Lots to see. No worries about covid. Here we put our shoes back on.

Two blocks back to the airbnb. A cup of coffee. 

Then we decided to pack up and go home. Rain still forecast. Only a 2 hour drive. Might as well sleep well in our own beds. Some rain on the way back. Some hold-up before going through the tunnel. We had a good time altogether. We are encouraged to do something like that soon again. Ha-ha, might just splurge a little more on the accommodations.

1 comment:

Happy Room Diana said...

Looks like you had a nice time, always nice to get away.