Friday, January 17, 2025

The other December side

I hinted that there was more to December than Advent and Christmas time. That part started on December 3 when we were only home two days after having had a marvelous trip.

James fainted on Tuesday during the bible study at our church. I took him to our walk-in clinic (affiliated with our GPs) and that doctor was very thorough and nice. He finally decided James should get a heart monitor for two weeks and sent us to James' GP. The nurse did it right away and told us, if he has another episode like that to immediately go to an emergency center. As soon as we were in the car, James felt things happening in his head again and I followed the orders.

The closest to where we were was Bon Secours. They were very nice and thorough, did a lot of tests and ruled a stroke out but they didn't have the equipment for another test he should have and transported him by ambulance to St. Mary's Hospital. 

There he had that test (and others) and spent two nights on observation. 

Hospital food is not the gratest but the nurses spoiled him with sweet things.

Yes, we played our card game.

They came to the conclusion that he had an irregular heart beat and most likely needed a pacemaker. He was discharged. The heart monitor was absolute the right thing and we were instructed what to do when the two weeks were up. That day was December 17 and then we had to wait for the results. 

If you read the previous December blog you know all about our lovely Christmas time, Helen and William's visit and spending time together ... all 9 of us! Oh, we felt so blessed.

This winter the weather was/is like a yoyo. For some days we could take nice walks in the neighborhood. These two photos were taken on December 30.

Yes, my walking sandals felt just perfect.

But then we had other days were the wind blew so cold and mercyless that we rather stayed inside.

December 31 we had our "local" boys for a while. Amazing the things they come up with. Colin had a remote car and they built a "street" with dominos to maneuver it through. 

Yes, New Year's Eve! No photos but we cracked a bottle of bubblies. After all, that day is when we had our church wedding - 49 years ago.

January 6: Snow outside. Good day to have a "real" breakfast day with soft-boiled eggs etc.

Very cold, snowy or icy days continued. It looked really pretty. I tried to catch the silvery glimmer (ice) on the trees etc but don't thing I succeeded. 

A few times we could even go on short walks around the blocks. Not so much fun though.

James had seen the cardiologist (or: heart electrician how he introduced himself) on 12-30 and he explained everything to us. The results from the monitor was in and Wednesday January 15 was scheduled to give James a pacemaker. It was an outpatient precidure at St. Francis and we were very impressed how orderly everything was done and the nurses were so friendly and helpful. I could be with him before ...

... and after. 

We were home at 2 pm. 

It is now 2 days later. All seems well. Of course healing has to happen and he has to be very careful right now with movements of his left arm until that has happened. But after two good nights' sleeps and no scary things happening during the day we are both thankful. Prayers have been heard. Thanks be to God!


Susan said...

So thankful James is on the mend again. Praise be to God.

Anonymous said...

So thankful for you both and his care. xx Julia

Kim S. said...

We're so glad that everything went so well! You've both been in our prayers daily!

Joyce M said...

I'm glad James is on the mend! There is a lady at my church who has had a pacemaker for way more than 20 years. Hopefully this will help James for many years to come.