Last time I wrote a blog we were snowed in. Well, we really try not to talk about the news on TV right now. The weather is a better subject. More days are now warmer. Even though we bundled up in a coat for our walk today, I was able to just have my "walking sandles" on. Temp: 53 F or 12 C. If the sky is blue and the sun shining it can be quite ok. Just 2 days ago we had a tornado warning. Luckily only for 30 minutes. And only 2 weeks ago on a Sunday morning we had a tornado warning in the middle of our church service. We were asked to go into the hallway of the education building where there are no windows. That too only lasted a short time and we could return into church for the communion. The sermon was skipped that Sunday.
I ended my last blog with hyacinth poking through the snow. Well, just a few days later ...
We also had this visitor! We were still in bed when James spied this through the window. I hurried and was lucky to get these photos. The bird was on top of our rose trellis on the back patio. Quite majestic!
Saturday March 1 ... we were watching the news very early in the morning and they started of course with announcing what day it was. Yes, March 1, the day James and I met 50 years ago. Oh, we decided that we needed to celebrate that.
Just a few days earlier we had been at the Vietnamese restaurant Mekong and on the menu was "make your own spring rolls". By chance Sarah had a business dinner the same day in that restaurant and we had talked about the spring rolls because a colleague had ordered that and it seemed a lot of fun. So, we got some take-out orders. Our friends Martha and Jerry came over to play cards and we all tried our best on those spring rolls.
Are they not gorgeous?
Lidl had also provided some baked goods like German Brötchen for our more-than-foot-long hot dogs and sweets and with Martha's cookies on top nobody ended up hungry.
For the next day we had our 2nd of 3 season tickets for the Virginia Opera, always Sunday afternoon matinees. It was very nice.
This Tuesday (in Germany Rosenmontag) was the day before Ash Wednesday and our church youth group is always inviting the congregation to a pancake supper (the breakfast kind). It is a fundraiser for their mission trip and always very nice. The closest we get to Mardi Gras (Fashing).
But one of my favorite things are potato pancakes e.g. Kartoffelpuffer. Well, that's what we had that day for lunch. Altogether a pancake kind of day!
And here are photos from our camelias along the garage from today. It's a little things which can bring a lot of happiness.
1 comment:
Ja, eure Kamelie ist wunderschön. In der letzten Woche habe ich mir bei Aldi auch ein Stämmchen
gekauft, aber ich nehme den Topf zur Nacht immer noch rein, da die Temperaturen des Nachts
knapp über Null sind und Tags bis ca. 16Grad klettern.
Liebe Grüße von Ute
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