Saturday, June 25, 2022

Back home and start of Omi Camp

While we were gone ... the four grandchildren now are all on summer break. The twins now are not preschoolers any longer. While abroad we received this photo. These signs appeared in their front yard. Colin (right) and Owen (left) are now Kindergardeners. Life might get easier for Sarah and Wade. In autumn all three will be off in the morning on the same schoolbus to the same elementrary school and are done at the same time in the afternoon. 

Back home we had one week to get ready for William to come to "Omi Camp" (that's what he calls it). And right away we are also back in the old routine. Wednesday (6/15) is when we replace the nanny quite often. Normally we take care of the three at their house but this time I thought I wanted them at our house. We had a grand time and a lot of fun. We got take-out from McD which was a disappointment. We ordered 3 kids meals but they only had 2 toys for the boxes. Really? Colin was the last  -  without the toy. He was upset. But he had received 3 of the large cookies. Mmhh. He decided to share them with his brothers and eventually the matter was forgotten.

Maybe it helped that we later stopped (on the way to their home) at Sweet Frog. Oh how they like that place. We have to explain why the place close to our house is no more. Explaining business and economics? Ah, all was good. Except for a little brain freeze here and there.

D-day! Friday June 17. James and I are on our way to Hendersonville, North Carolina, which is very close to Lutheridge, the camp where Nashville grandson was this week. Its about 6 hours each way for us to get him. Luckily, the gas price in North Carolina is a nice surprice. 

When we contemplated with Helen about the itinarary of the summer Helen suggested it would work well if we could pick William up from Lutheridge for "Omi Camp" afterwards. Her second thought was what about the luggage he needs in Virginia? He can't take things like his computer into Lutheridge. I offered to call our mutual friend from Paducah who lives close to the camp. Stephan and Donna are wonderful people and of course they offered help. Helen dropped William's stuff of with them.
We had chosen the Ramada Inn in Henderson to spend the night because it seemed convenient for Stephan and Donna. And it was. The Outback Restaurant was very close and we had a lovely dinner together there.  Sorry to say we were a bit noisy. OMG, we had to laugh about a lot of stories we recalled when we lived in KY and worked at Grace Church.

Next day: Omi and Papa can be relied upon. We were at that camp at 8:30 am sharp. William was happy to see us and off we were on our way back.
The parents Helen and Ben both were asking for photos. Proof that we had him. Really? We were driving. 
OK. Potty stop. Here the photo says "Claremont at 10:14am".

William has always been an excellent traveler. The next photo says "Oxford at 1:59pm" (must have been a town we were driving through). Reading in the car. Yes, he always has been a good traveler. 

We were back in good time. James and William even walked to the Publix to replace the milk I had forgotten to put in the freezer and had gotten (very) sour.

We tried to organize ourselves. William was very helpful. He cleaned his trunk. A good hosing out did it and we could put the things back in which he used in Lutheridge but doesn't need here. 

The crepe myrthle is making the patio rather messy with the flower petals. William knows were to get and return the blower. Big help. The weather is perfect to sit outside in the shade.

Sunday - Father's Day
William likes boiled eggs for breakfast.

The old question in this family. A tradition. A game. Would you like another egg? Is it or is it not an empty upside down one?

Papa is serving this morning. Ha-ha, we remember when William was little and asked why Papa has a dress on.

In the afternoon William has a wish. He explains that this year he didn't get the dessert on Easter Sunday which is another tradition in this family. Omi had green jello for the grass but no canned pears and no mini marshmallows. He walked with Papa to Publix to get it. Dessert after dinner: rabbit in the grass.

I think he is taking a photo for his parents.

Alright, here is my first effort to catch up writing the blogs. I think I have disappointed William's parents with not  providing enough info. It has been a wild and crazy week though. I will try to do better.

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