Friday, August 4, 2023

Mostly about granddog, ha-ha

The last blog was 2 weeks ago and not much happened during this time. Well, that's in the eye of the beholder!

James and I enjoy every day the Lord gives us. For example, we enjoy our garden. This is the newest hosta blooming in one of the little pots next to the front door. Isn't it pretty?

I am happy to report that I had (finally) the urge to take care of my indoor plants. The Christmas cactus who always had done so nicely suddenly started dropping whole branches. Well, I did some repotting and I looks like that they are doing better. I also found on the internet how I might save my orchid. I was allowed to "steel" moss from their garden and I did exactly what the internet told me. Fingers crossed, please.

And yeah, I finally could stop worrying. When I suddenly realized that spring and summer had gone really fast and I still didn't have done anything about this year's Chrismons (which I usually have done around Easter) I was releaved when a new design popped up just like that. I am really happy with it. The only draw-back was that the material is really expensive and hard to find. My regular supplier came through for me fast. I enjoy working on this project like I always do.

And then our granddog Stella came for a week while his family went to the beach. She was no problem and James really enjoyed taking her for walks since I wasn't so keen on that right now because I was so busy with church things. 

At bed times she would crawl under the bed. But in the mornings she would be very eager to jump up onto our bed. She tried very eagerly to come as close to our faces as possible which was not so convenient. 

Whenever we changed a room she would be right there with us ... under the breakfast table for example.

In the evenings she always tried to be first on my lap but after a while I could convince her to be next to us.

Sunday the 23rd we had to lift this in honor of our second born enjoying her birthday at the beach.

On her first morning I did not manage to take this photo but a few days later I was lucky. She looked so cute when she stood like this almost asking for permission to jump up onto the bed. If you blinked she took that as a "yes".

At the end of the month of course I was working on our church newsletter. I was happy to get it done in very good time before the last day. Here is the LINK.

And when I was done with that it was time to get seriously to work on the church cookbook project for which I had volunteered. I needed photos for the chapter pages. I wanted it really to be about St. Martin's. 

I even baked for it and tried out some recipes. 

I took the baked goods to our ECW meeting where we discussed the cookbook (because I needed input) and I took more photos ... with our hostess aprons.

Yes, and the following day our clergy had to help getting my photos for the cookbook too. After all, it's the church' cookbook.

And about the Chrismon: When I had learned about the expense and difficulty to get for the material a change in the design came to mind. Should I ran out I have a back-up. It's all good.

At the end of the week it got a little cooler and Stella was happier.

Look at that "super moon". James came home from walking in cooler temps and said I needed to see it.

Oh yes, more garden photos.

And what else is there? Of course we want to see our friends sometimes. Would we want to go to dinner together? It was the perfect temperature to eat outside. And a fun conversation.

And we went several times to watch Colin and Owen play baseball at the all-star tournament. Eventually I will understand the rules and what is going on. Definitely not a German game. But of course they are fun to watch. I am always in awe how somebody can hit a fast approaching ball with a stick like that.

Soon Caleb's soccer is starting again.

Wished we could watch William on his new bike too.

So, this blog might be it until we are on our way to our next adventure outside the country. 
Stay tuned!

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