Monday, March 10, 2014

More Inclement Weather

From this ...

... to this!

Enough! Enough! Enough!

But then it meant more of this: (Two days - Monday and Tuesday)

He is napping. Quickly let's have lunch, ha-ha.
But look at this video when he wakes up later!

Caleb is three months now. He is focusing on things and grabbings things. He likes the little boy in the mirrow hanging above.
Video 1
Video 2

We think he might be teething. Who knows. He is suddenly drooling a lot. And he found his hand to suck on.
Yup, another video - with noice.

And here is a video which Sarah sent one day. Caleb reads a book! Love my gadgets!

And today, a few days later, the snow is gone and we actually can be outside without a coat. James wants to fill the bird feeder. When he lifts the bag with the seeds out of the box on the patio where we store it (and a few small garden tools) he spills some because of a hole in it ... obviously made by a rodent.
Well, when we want to empty it to clean it out ... yikes! The mouse is still in it.

It took a while but James caught it. The mouse was fast. But don't worry. We were nice to it and set it free at the bottom of the garden.

Well, and all that talk about Caleb earlier ... having him here doesn't mean we are not missing William. Thanks to social media and gadgets we can see photos Helen takes.

Here William is at a birthday party where the entertainment is somebody showing easy sience projects. William was fascinated and had a great time.

Today he could be outside for 6 hours (reported by Helen) and was very happy.

We will all be together next weekend! Yeah!!!

1 comment:

Kim S. said...

I loved all the videos! Especially the one of him sleeping! The look on his face when he finally woke up: “What the heck???”