Thursday, May 10, 2018

Flowers on my Chives

I forgot to take a photo of the chives before I cut the flowers off. It looked very pretty. The flowers are edible and I put some on my salad. They taste a lot like onions but are much prettier.

And, of course, a few grandchild-photos. Papa took Caleb to the "every first Saturday of the month children's workshop at HomeDepot". Caleb was very into it - making a Mother's Day present. A little chair holds a flower pot and he got seeds too.

In the meantime I played with the twins until James and Caleb joined us. Some of these photos are done with James' iPhone and have a little sign in the corner "Live". I am not sure how this all works (in the blog) but they seem to be little mini videos. When I click on that sign, Owen says in the first photo "cheese". He always does that when he sees somebody pointing a camera.

And yes, Colin climbing into the stroller meant he wanted to go for a walk. It didn't take Owen long to follow.

Ah, a boy and his dog. Schatzi is so patient.

Sunday we had gone to the early service so we could take care of something afterwards. And then ... an impromptu decision to go for brunch. It was such a glorious day and we could sit outside at the "Toast, New American Gastropub at Winterfield Place". Very enjoyable. 
And the drink? 

Yes, we had the Pimm's Royale. And the Chesapeake Omelet went very well with that! 

Hey, we are retired. We should do this more often.

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