Friday, January 17, 2014

A new thing

Tuesday Jan 7
Came home from the lace workshop and surprise, surprise. I discovered a third bloom coming out of the amaryllis which already had had two gorgeous flowers.

Wednesday the 8th
When I can I drop by Sarah's to be with Caleb so she can take care of something. Sometimes she will call or text to see whether I can. Well, I could. Got to see the progress of their remodeling too. The upstairs bathroom had an uneven floor and a wobbly toilette which at a later point could have caused great damage. So if you do something, do it right right away. Good motto. In this case it was major.

I had been jealous of the great picture of James and Caleb in the last blog (just kidding). But Sarah took the following saying that it was the mate to James'.

Monday 13th
I had promised Sarah to babysit in the afternoon. She needed to go to her pharmacy for a while. Reality. Soon she has to go back to work. But Caleb and I had fun.


Playing again, eating and sleeping some more. Look who wanted to have part of my lap! Wasn't easy to take this picture. Always seem to get a finger into it.

When Sarah came back she took this photo.

Tuesday 14th:
Caleb does a new thing every day but here is something new for me: first meeting of the CR quilters. Quite a good number of ladies were interested to get together regularly so I took the initiative and reserved the big room in our Pavilion for 10am on every second Tuesday of each month.
We were 14 and had a great time. First we discussed what format we wanted the meetings to have. Refreshments or not, cutting, sewing too? It was a good discussion and once that was done we had a wonderful time with show and tell.
Margaret started. Unfortunately I don't know every lady's name yet.

Everybody's work was stunning but can you believe it? Bea does not use a sewing machine. All piecing done by hand. All quilting done by hand. Helen wants a private lesson from her when she visits next time.

Everybody seems to have a specialty. This quilter's preference is appliqué.

Here is a close-up of the quilting. She has a friend with a long arm who does not like to make the tops so they are trading labor.

Back to Margaret again hidden behind the exquisite little wall hanging or table cover.

Lynda is working on her second quilt from the same pattern but totally different color scheme. I was lucky to see her first one which she had given away because it was a gift

Sometimes it takes a while to figure out how it goes together. And often you have a choice and you have to make a decision.

Joyce's machine-embroidered Victorian ladies. Sorry I forgot to take a close-up.

Pillow covers are good beginner's projects.

Very special color choices.

Janet has done a lot of quilt work too and is very willing to share. A block of the month quilt.

Marsha was happy to show her Kiwi fabric. She bought it on a trip to New Zealand and will use it in the pattern she bought on a trip to Alaska.

Stay tuned for this. I think I will learn a lot from these ladies.


Happy Room Diana said...

Wow sounds like the start of a great group, can I join ! Pity 3000 miles trip each way is a bit of a problem!

Christa said...

Oh that would be so great because we could learn a lot from you I am sure. Come and visit ... at Hampton VA quilt festival for example!

Kim S. said...

I love the matching pictures! You need to have those framed as a set!